The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,38

it’s not a big deal, so don’t make it one.” He rinsed the suds from the stainless steel and moved on to the wooden spoon Mrs. Henderson often used when mixing cookie batter. Seeing him so domesticated did something strange to my insides, but so did his nonchalant regard for my feelings.

Images of us having angry, hateful sex on the counter and then the kitchen floor after flashed in my mind. If only we had become lovers instead of friends that stormy night…

I shook away the madness clouding my mind.

Any other ties would have unraveled a long time ago because Wren and I were too alike.

Aggressive. Controlling.

Sensual nights would have become battles for dominance.

I picked up my fork, silently conceding, and dug in. It took me a while to realize Wren was watching me with lips tucked in and blue eyes gleaming.

“What’s so funny?”

“You have macaroni on your chin.”

I felt around for it, and just as I grew frustrated enough to leave it, he took pity on me—the calluses on his thumb scraping my skin as he wiped the cheesy shell away.

His rough yet gentle touch jumpstarted my clit until it purred.

It’s better this way.

It’s better this way.

It’s better. This. Way.

“Thank you.”

He only nodded—his eyes darkening to a shade of blue I’d never seen—before moving away to finish the dishes. When he finished, he took out the trash, and I tried not to seem too eager for his return. However, it became impossible after only a couple of minutes. I forgot all about shame as I listened for his footsteps and watched the open entry. By the time five minutes had passed, I was on my feet and headed for the front door.

I had already sworn in the few steps it took me to reach the door that our friendship would be effectively over if he’d left without a word.

But when I ripped open the front door, I suddenly wished he had left. Instead, he stood with the bag of trash still in his hand as some jogger wearing hot pink spandex pawed at him.

Her smile said she wouldn’t think twice about blowing him right there on the street, and the wide smile Wren returned told me he’d welcome it. I didn’t recognize her, so I assumed she lived somewhere close by.

Not for long.

Intending to find out where the bitch lived so I could burn her house down, I stalked toward them on quiet feet. Wren sensing my approach, peered over his shoulder, drawing the whore’s attention.

Wren’s expression became wary when I flashed her a welcoming smile.

“Hi, I’m Lou!” I held out my hand, and she took the bait, shaking it with a firm grip.


“Wow! What a lovely name for such a handsome man,” I flirted. And then I smiled in secret glee at the nearly silent “fuck” Wren uttered under his breath.

“Excuse me?” she squealed. “I’m a woman!”

“Oh!” My hands flew to my mouth as I pretended to be horrified. “Oh, no. I’m so sorry! It’s just that your Adam’s apple was throwing me off.”

I didn’t make out most of the threats she’d screamed because Wren had already swept me off my feet and hurried me back inside the house. The moment the door shut behind him, I laughed my ass off until he swatted it.


I was still in shock long after he’d set me on my feet.

“What the hell was that?” he demanded. Before I could answer, he threw up his hand, halting me. “Don’t answer that because I shouldn’t be surprised. I really shouldn’t.”

I rubbed my sore cheek after the initial sting dulled into an ache. “Yeah, well, you’re welcome.”

“And what should I be thanking you for? My blue balls?”

“No, from the train wreck waiting to happen. Alex was so not the man for you.”

“Cut the crap, Lou. That was a woman, and you know it.”

“Could have fooled me.” I headed for the kitchen to grab a bottle of water, and when I returned, his eyes were moving back and forth, desperately trying to recap the encounter.

I snorted.


“There was no Adam’s apple,” he said as I uncapped the bottle and took a swig of water.

He sounded less sure this time, and when I only shrugged, steam practically blew from his ears. Alex had indeed been a woman. Beautiful and lithe and a hell of a lot more Wren’s speed than any of the others.

Bitch had to go.

“Fine. Then go after her.”

But he wouldn’t. I knew he wouldn’t.

And it wasn’t because I made him question her gender. Wren Copyright 2016 - 2024