The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,33

let out a deep exhale the moment we were safely shut inside the bathroom. I was more than eager for the day Lou would be on her own, and I could come and go as I pleased.

Maybe I’d get us a place, and we could—

I paused and blinked a couple of times wondering where the hell my head had gone just now.

“Don’t you think you’re being a little paranoid?” Lou questioned once I set her on the sink.

“It’s a necessary evil.”

“If you say so,” she muttered.

I leaned over and locked the door before reaching behind my neck and gripping my T-shirt. It was gone a second later. Neither of us commented on the fact that I was still standing between her legs when I reached for my belt buckle.

“I do.” I then toed off my shoes before shedding my jeans and boxers. I heard her gasp, but when I straightened once more, she had firmly fixed her gaze on the wall behind me. I chuckled.

“You’re being cruel,” she said with a pout.

“Am I? You can look if you want. I don’t mind.”

She rolled her eyes. “I don’t want.”

“Hm…I’ll try not to take offense.”

Lou crossed her arms and lifted her nose in the air as if she didn’t care one way or the other. I padded over to the shower and ran the water before she could change her mind. I didn’t want to be caught red-handed with a hard-on.

“Can you hurry up?” she griped.

I peeked over my shoulder and found her bouncing her right leg. She was clearly agitated, which was only fair given my current state. “That wall isn’t nearly as interesting to stare at as my butt, is it?”

Lou’s mouth tightened, and she shifted her gaze away even further. “It’s cold in here.”

“I’ll warm you up.”

No longer able to hide her interest, her head whipped around, and she stared at me in shock but didn’t dare let her gaze travel south. “What?”

“I’ll warm you up,” I repeated. “The steam from the shower should kick in any minute now.” She was still gawking when I disappeared behind the shower curtain with a grin, and as usual, fucking with Lou after she challenged me was indeed the highlight of my day.

I also lied about the steam because the water pelting my skin was icy cold, making me even more miserable, but at least it did the trick in cooling me the fuck down. For a while, I closed my eyes and just let the water wash over me, drenching my hair and my face.

I didn’t realize how much time had passed until she said, “There’s no steam.”

I smiled at the timidity in her tone, knowing she’d been tamed. At least for now. Lou had unintentionally wandered into territory she didn’t yet understand, and it made her nervous. Cautious.

“Give it a few minutes.”

“It’s been five,” she pointed out.

My eyes popped open, and I silently cursed before hurriedly turning the knob. Immediately, the water began to warm, and after a couple of minutes, I heard Lou sigh as steam began to fill the small bathroom.

“Better?” At least for one of us, it would be.

“Yes, thank you,” she whispered, and then I heard her shift.

Peeking through the sliver of the curtain that I’d carelessly left open, I saw that she was now straddling the corner of the counter giving me a view of her creamy thigh, softly sculpted calf, and one of her dainty-ass feet.

I almost punched the tile when my cock slowly started to rise again.


I grabbed my dick and squeezed. Normally, I wasn’t so hard up, but there hasn’t been anything normal about my actions since meeting Lou two years ago. I shut my eyes, but her leg—one I’d seen a million times before but never while my dick was in my hand—was already etched vividly in my memory.

The simplest solution was the most obvious one, but I didn’t see anything simple about jerking off while my best friend, a girl I swore to protect from monsters like me, sat two feet away. And I wouldn’t just be beating my dick. I’d be getting off to thoughts of her, innocent little Lou.

While my head fired warnings to turn back now, my cock had no such reservations about crossing this line.

She’d never have to know.

“Please hurry, Wren.”

My grip on my cock tightened, and I groaned in agony even as my hand slowly began to move, giving her what she wanted. She had no idea what those words did to me. To us.

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