The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,21

could manage was to release a groan loud enough to be heard anywhere in the large two-story house. At that moment, I didn’t give a shit about anything but her small hands kneading away weeks, months, two years of tension.

That lasted until I felt teeth nipping at the shell of my ear and heard the flirtation in Kendra’s voice when she said, “You know well by now that there’s more where that came from.”

“Don’t start something we can’t finish,” I flirted back while wearing a crooked smile.

Those magical hands fell away, and I looked back in time to see her prop them on generous hips. “And why not?”

“Because it’s bad for business,” I said, knowing it was a lame excuse. Fox allowed Exiled to indulge as long as the men paid in full and kept their fists to themselves. In fact, he insisted on it. It was his idea of keeping up the morale, and the men were more than willing to take advantage. Their only concern when they walked through those doors after a long day was their cocks. Keeping the girls safe never entered their minds, which left me as the sole defender of their well-being. Kendra had been an amazing teacher, but for her and the other girls’ sake, I could no longer allow sex with her to distract me.

I’d come by as often as I could for as long as I could to ensure things were running smoothly and the girls were treated well. Not only did the johns sometimes get out of hand but so did the round-the-clock guards we kept here to make sure that didn’t happen. I can’t recall how many broken ribs and kneecaps I’ve dealt in exchange for the black eyes and busted lips given to the girls. Kendra, in particular, had been on the receiving end of many disgruntled customers’ fists. She had a way with her mouth that gave men immense pleasure only to bruise their ego when she finished. If she didn’t make us more money than she cost us, Fox would have disposed of her a long time ago. That didn’t stop me from warning her repeatedly to keep her head down, though. Fox was neither tolerant nor merciful.

“Or maybe,” Kendra teased, pulling me from my thoughts by palming my cock through my jeans, “you’re not as worried about business as you are of that gorgeous little monster finding out about us.”

At the mention of Lou, I stood rather abruptly, almost toppling the chair and knocking Kendra over in the process. My cock was straining against my zipper, threatening to break free, and I told myself it was because of the woman offering herself to me and not the girl I couldn’t have. Turning, I leaned down and kissed her forehead. “There is no us, and she’s none of your business.”

She scoffed while tying her robe together. “You can’t be that possessive and protective and expect anyone to believe you don’t have feelings for her.”

I groaned, regretting the day I’d foolishly allowed Kendra to find out about Lou. I’d been in the middle of one of my visits when Lou video called. I had let it ring, intending to return her call when I finished conducting business. However, Lou, refusing to be ignored, had rung incessantly until I finally gave in and answered. I must have scolded her for ten minutes straight, knowing everything I was saying was going in one ear and out the other.

Kendra had naïvely stepped in to save a helpless Lou from my tirade by snatching my phone and introducing herself, but the reception she received had been…chilly. Lou wordlessly stared back at a smiling, unsuspecting Kendra until she got the message and awkwardly returned my phone. I could tell the encounter had flustered Kendra and wished like hell I could have warned her before she set herself up for failure. Lou, on the other hand, pretended nothing happened and chattered about everything under the sun, rarely stopping to take a breath.

“She’s my friend,” I explained for what might have been the hundredth time. “That means my protection comes with the territory.” Besides, Kendra had already learned the hard way that however possessive I seemed, Lou was ten times worse. She was a far cry from the girl who couldn’t wait to get away from me two years ago.

“We’re friends,” Kendra argued, waving her hand back and forth between us. “You’re in so deep with her that you don’t even know how far Copyright 2016 - 2024