The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,18

Eliza called out, and I released a sigh of relief that it wasn’t Cathleen or Dan at my door.

“Yeah?” I answered as I hopped up from my bed and tiptoed to the window. One quick peek confirmed that Wren was gone. I was searching the street for signs of his car when I realized Eliza hadn’t responded. Crossing the room, I ripped open the door. If only I’d considered my tousled and flushed appearance before I did so. Judging by Eliza’s wide eyes and blush as she repeatedly glanced over my shoulder, I knew what she was thinking.

“My parents sent me to check on you. We heard an awful racket.”

“I was working out.”

She frowned as if she’d never heard of such a thing. “Working out?”

“I heard it relieves stress,” I offered lamely. “What’s up?”

“Um, right.” She then held up my backpack and a plate with two slices of pizza. “You left your homework.” Remembering my excuse to get out of having dinner with the Hendersons, I accepted both with a guilty twist of my gut. When I offered no excuse or apology, she huffed and said, “You know my parents really like you. I really like you. We all want you to feel like part of this family.” Her cheeks turned pink when she added, “Maybe you could try with us?”

I had trouble swallowing as I looked away.


Inwardly, I cringed. Every time I heard that name, I felt crushed under the person’s heel. My parents had given me that nickname, and each time I heard it, I was reminded of the fact that they were gone.

“Thanks for the pizza.” Stepping back, I shut the door in her face, and I didn’t move until the sound of her footsteps and her crying faded.

I told myself I had no reason to feel bad. They brought this on themselves. My parents had the sense to get out while they could. It was only a matter of time before the Hendersons did, too.

As I was leaving for school the next morning, I found Wren’s Impala boldly parked in front of the Hendersons’ home. And this time, I knew it wasn’t just wishful thinking. He was in plain view, leaning against the passenger door, looking bored and a little agitated. He also seemed oblivious to the curious but wary stares he was drawing from the neighbors. As my stomach fluttered and my center warmed, I silently prayed I wasn’t one of those girls who found stalking attractive.

“Back for more?” I taunted as I sidled down the short walkway.

“You’re late,” he retorted with his usual nonchalance.

Feeling as bold as he did, I was now standing toe-to-toe with him. “You’re stalking me.”

“In my defense, you did say I was stuck with you.”

“Yes, but not at the hip.”

“You don’t have hips.”

Before I could offer a comeback, the front door opened and Eliza, who had been avoiding me, rushed down the steps, probably thinking I was already gone. She was still zipping her brand-new coat closed and hadn’t noticed us, but when she finally did, she came to a dead halt at the sight of Wren. I groaned knowing that she’d have questions about Wren I couldn’t and wouldn’t answer.

Ignoring my obvious irritation, they both spoke at the same time.

“Who is that?” Eliza questioned as her eyes flitted curiously between Wren and me.

“Is she wearing the coat I bought for you?” Wren said as he snapped to his full height.

“He’s nobody,” I said to Eliza while ignoring Wren completely. “The bus will be here any minute. Let’s go.” I grabbed her hand, pulling her after me. Thankfully, Eliza didn’t protest and, surprisingly, neither did Wren. We made it to the stop just in time and had to wait at the back of the line while everyone loaded onto the bus.

“So is he who I heard in your room last night?” Eliza whispered.

I made sure to keep my gaze straight ahead even though I wanted to look back and see if Wren had stuck around. He was hunting for something, and I had a feeling I was the prey. “There was no one in my room last night.”

It was finally our turn to hop on, but as I started forward, the doors suddenly snapped close. Confused, I knocked on the door, and when my gaze met the bus driver’s, he shook his head and drove off.

“Um…what just happened?” Eliza asked, sounding as dumbfounded as I felt.

Before I could answer, the Impala suddenly appeared where the bus had been just a Copyright 2016 - 2024