The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,148

and I could feel his friends watching me as we all stood around waiting for him to finish. All the while, I wondered where Four was at the moment. I shrugged figuring she was walking Jay D.

“It’s still missing something,” Vaughn said when Ever finished.

“It needs color,” Jamie said.

“How about yellow?” Tyra suggested. “It’s her favorite color.”

“Yellow won’t be as eye-catching as purple,” I pointed out.

“It should be pink,” Vaughn voiced.

With a snort, I said, “I’ve known Four about five minutes now, and even I know she won’t be caught dead in anything pink.”

“Careful,” Vaughn said, and I was taken aback by his blatant contempt. “You’re new here.”

Ever frowned disapprovingly at his best friend while Jamie rolled his eyes, and Tyra nudged me with her elbow. “He’s just grumpy. Ignore him. I usually do,” she muttered.

Jamie leaned over and laughingly whispered in my ear. “Ask her why he’s grumpy though.”

“Something tells me you already know,” I whispered back.

“Yup,” he whispered a little too proudly. “She’s been leaving his balls fifty shades of blue lately. I’m talking no hand jobs, blow jobs, or any jobs.”

Jamie’s laugh was infectious, but even then, I still felt my stomach turning as I sneaked a peek at Vaughn. Our eyes met, and I could see from the way his green eyes glowed that his anger had nothing to do with Tyra. He was wary of me. He might even hate me. Now I just needed to figure out why.

Jay D ran into the kitchen, and when Four appeared seconds later, everyone kind of moved at once. Ever hurriedly flipped his notebook closed while Jamie grabbed Four in a bear hug and twirled her around for no good reason.

“Jamie, what are you doing? I want to see what Ever was drawing.”

“Have I told you lately that you’re hot as hell?” Jamie cooed.

“Yeah, last night…when you tried to cop a feel.”

Ever’s head whipped around so fast I was surprised his neck didn’t snap. “What?” He growled as he shot to his feet. The stool he was sitting on would have toppled over if I hadn’t caught it.

Looks like I might catch that elbow, after all.

“Calm down, cousin,” Jamie drawled. His gaze never left Four as he set her on her feet. “She’s just trying to get you to punch me.”

Four’s eyes twinkled, confirming Jamie’s claim.

“Come on,” Ever said, inserting himself between them. “Let’s get this over with.”

“Get what over with?” Tyra inquired.

“I’m teaching him how to ride,” Four announced as she led a reluctant Ever out of the kitchen by the hand. Jay D didn’t hesitate to follow. The rest of us shared a look, and we all seemed to be thinking the same thing. A second later, we were pushing and shoving to get through the door first.

“Oh, this should be good,” Jamie said when we made it outside. He was rubbing his hands together with a mischievous smile.

Four and Ever were standing by her bike, and she was talking as she pointed to different things. Ever listened with his arms crossed while looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. Jay D sat dutifully by his side, tongue wagging as he watched his mama.

“I’m her best friend,” Tyra griped an hour later as we sat on the steps watching the spectacle playing out in the driveway. Ever did not make a good student, and Four was beginning to lose her patience. “She never even offered me lessons.”

“It’s not about the lessons,” Vaughn told her. “Ever’s mother just showed up after four years. His head is fucked up. This”—he waved to where Ever was straddling the bike and nuzzling Four’s neck, making her blush and grin—“is a distraction.”

“Where is Evelyn anyway?” Tyra asked, voicing my thoughts.

It was Jamie who answered her. “Unc arranged for her to stay in a rental nearby.”

“Does Rosalyn know that?” Vaughn asked.

Jamie chortled. “God no.”

The three of them talked and joked among themselves while I traced every crack and crevice in the ground to keep myself from thinking about Wren.

“Jamie, you’re sitting awfully close to Lou,” Four teased as she and Ever approached. “Give it up already. She doesn’t want to be your girlfriend.”

I was still staring at the ground when I heard Jamie say, “What do you say, Lou? Wanna give it a try?”

My head shot up, and I frowned at him. “What?”

“You and me. Girlfriend and boyfriend. Think of the mischief we’ll cause.” His eyebrows waggled, making me chuckle.

“Sure, Jamie. Why the fuck not?”

His eyes shone with delight making me second-guess Copyright 2016 - 2024