The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,142

her soft skin. I should have told her the truth, begged her forgiveness, and made it all mine a long time ago.

The door opened, and Shane walked in wearing his signature scowl. “You really screwed yourself, boy.”

I licked the bloody lip he gave me at Fox’s command. “And you care?”

“No, but Bethany and the kids would want me to talk some sense into you.”

I stared up at him through my one good eye. “Would you give up Bethany?”

“Fuck no.” He rubbed his bald head. “Which is why I’m not going to bother trying to convince you.” He looked me over probably admiring the number he did on me. “Are you sure she’s worth it?”

I was surer of it than my own damn name. “Yes.”

He nodded. “You’re a prick to make me kill you.”

I laughed and was surprised that it was genuine. “I’m pretty sure I’m the one drawing the short stick, motherfucker.”

He scratched his chin as he eyed me. “Boss isn’t going to make it easy for you.”

I already knew Fox planned to torture me. If the threat of death wouldn’t make me give up Lou, he hoped that pain would. He’d first break a few bones and cut away pieces of me before removing limbs entirely. No, I wouldn’t be dying any time soon, but it would be a cold day in hell before I sold Lou to save myself. “I expected no less.”

Shane grunted as the door opened and three of my former brothers entered with equally savage scowls. “You’ll be singing a different tune soon.”

My expression remained impassive as I met each of their gazes.

“Relax,” Shane said with a chuckle. “We won’t be fucking you up just yet. You have a visitor.”

Two of them grabbed me and hauled me to my feet. Resigned to my fate, I didn’t bother fighting when they tied my hands and taped my mouth shut. Ever had everything he needed to make sure that Lou would be okay.

I was herded from the basement of his mountain hideout and through the cabin until we reached outside. The air was crisp and cool, and the sky was bright and blue, telling me that it’s been at least a day since Evelyn’s escape. In the distance, I could see the gathering clouds and the storm brewing miles away. It would hit us hard and soon, though no one else seemed to notice. Fox, with his back turned to me, was too focused on something else, something I couldn’t see past his wall of guards. They eventually noticed us approaching and parted, and when we stepped through, I almost fell to my knees at what held their attention.


Before I could collect myself, Fox turned to me with a satisfied smile. “So good of you to join us, Wren. Now we can begin.”

My gaze wandered back to Lou standing there, head held high even with all the guns pointed at it.

“As I was saying,” Lou said without acknowledging me. I knew she was putting on a brave face for Fox’s benefit, and if I weren’t living out my worst nightmare, I would have puffed out my chest. “I’ve got friends now. Friends who have copies of those pictures and won’t hesitate to share them if I don’t walk out of here with him in the next five minutes.”

“I’m sure your friends are loyal to your cause, but I also have friends dedicated to mine as well. Friends who have the power and resources to find your friends. So tell me, little lady, who do you think strikes more fear? Your friends…or mine?”

If Lou was affected, she damn well didn’t show it. “I’m well aware of your goons who hide behind badges and call themselves cops, but in this century, Grandpa, it’s the internet that will judge who is innocent or guilty. Your friends may have the law, but mine have YouTube.” She smiled then. “And you can’t pay off every cop in this country.”

“No…only the ones with jurisdiction.”

“Except, when you abducted those children right along with their parents and set them on fire, your crime became a big, fat federal one. And when those angry moms around the world start rallying for your head, those local cops in your pocket are going to need backup—and lots of it.”

Fox was silent for several seconds. The only sound was the occasional sway of the trees in the wind and the shifting feet of the suddenly nervous guards surrounding us. The fox had just been outfoxed, and everyone within hearing Copyright 2016 - 2024