The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,137


He chuckled despite the tension I could feel even through the phone. “That’s my girl.”

“So…where are you?”

“Safe.” It was all the assurance he gave me.

“How much longer?” I chewed my lip.

He took a deep breath, but his voice was gentle when he spoke. “If all goes well, I should be back tonight.”

If all goes well… But what if it didn’t?

“Lou?” he prompted when I was silent for too long.

I felt a tear fall and wiped it away. “Yeah?” My voice shook, and I prayed he didn’t hear.

“I have to go, baby.”

“Okay.” I took a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Say it again?”

He made a sound that told me he was fighting the urge to do so. I held up my hand and saw that my ring turned gray as I waited, but then it changed to a blue that matched his eyes when he said it. “I love you, little Valentine.”

“I thought you said you had to run errands.” I stood back and watched Jamie kick over rock after rock in search of something. Probably his sanity. I knew then that I should have stayed in my lonely corner, sulking where he’d found me. It’s been hours since the phone call with Wren, and I was in no better state than before. Worse, actually.

“I am,” Jamie claimed before looking around with a frown.

“This is the errand? Breaking and entering?”

“We’re not breaking in,” he said as he lifted a plant and smiled. “We have a key.” He plucked the single gold key from the ground and carelessly tossed the plant aside. The sound of the pot shattering had me cringing, and I wondered how pissed Wren would be when he had to bail me out of jail.

“Whose place is this anyway?”

“Not relevant.” Jamie nonchalantly climbed the steps leading to the terrace, and I nervously followed him.

“It will be when I’m asked to testify against you.”

“Funny,” he said, sounding salty. He then shoved the key in the lock. “You don’t look like a rat.”

“You smell like one.”

“Sorry.” He shrugged and smiled apologetically. “I didn’t have time to shower after my workout.” Just as quickly, he was back in true form. Waggling his eyebrows, he said, “Besides, I read somewhere that fresh sweat can be…stimulating…to women.”

“So you’re hoping to seduce me with your smelly pheromones?”

His smile changed. As if the reason was a secret. “Not you. Not this time.”

I would have asked who he planned to seduce, but he quickly stepped through the French doors and disappeared inside what I hoped was an empty home. I was still standing in the same spot, debating if I should follow him, when he suddenly reappeared.


I folded my arms. “Not unless you tell me why we’re here.”

“Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of this man’s desire.” He was gone again by the time I realized he’d quoted Neil Armstrong.

“That’s not how that goes!”

I heard his chuckle, but then the sound faded along with his footsteps, and I realized he’d left me to decide alone. Cursing, I stepped inside on silent feet just as Wren taught me. One glance around and I realized I was standing in someone’s kitchen. There were cozy looking nooks on each side of me, one with a small dining table and the other designed with two fancy looking armchairs perfectly positioned to enjoy the sun. I didn’t see Jamie anywhere, but I did see another set of double doors. One of them was cracked, making it clear where Jamie had gone.

“Jamie!” I called in a harsh whisper after I carefully slipped through the door. I didn’t want a single strand of my DNA left behind. I liked Jamie, but I didn’t trust him. Not yet anyway. There was a storm brewing in him, but his friends were too wrapped up in their shit to notice. I just hoped they were the kind to stick around to pick up the pieces.

I stood in the middle of the large foyer—although not nearly as grand as the McNamara’s—and wondered where he could have gone. Ahead of me was a staircase and just beyond that was the front door. I knew which option was the smarter choice, but curiosity got the best of me. Jamie had seemed determined so I could only assume whatever business he had here was important.

At least to him.

I was ready to climb the stairs when I noticed another door just feet from the front door. It was probably nothing, just a harmless coat closet. The closer my Copyright 2016 - 2024