The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,119

had taken over the kitchen while Mrs. Greene, the housekeeper, commanded an entire army of maids to clean, polish, and decorate.

Ever’s father had also returned late in the morning.

The formidable man of the house had accepted whatever excuse Ever offered to explain our presence, but that didn’t stop him from looking at us suspiciously whenever we crossed his path—Wren in particular.

Four’s mother, on the other hand, had barely acknowledged our presence. I didn’t take it personally. Rosalyn didn’t seem to hold much interest in anything, including her daughter. And other than the worried glances Four cast her now and then, the two seemed more like strangers than mother and daughter.

I lasted maybe an hour among the chaos before I fled back to the haven of the guesthouse. When I stepped inside, I found it as quiet and empty as I’d left it.

Which meant Wren still hadn’t come back from his drive.

It was the only explanation I’d gotten when I asked Ever where he was. Four’s failure to hide her worry, however, told me all I needed to know. Something was wrong, and Wren was attempting to keep it from me.

An hour later, I was curled up in one of the wicker sofas staring at the water from the pool when I looked up and found Four standing over me holding a dress. Jay D was at her feet, wagging his tongue and tail happily.

“Here.” She held out the burgundy dress.

“What’s this?”

“Something to wear for dinner. They do things kind of formal around here, so I figured you’d be more comfortable blending in. Size four, right?”

I gave the dress a once-over before meeting her gaze again. “Is that what you do? Blend in?”

Four had told me all about her former life in some bumblefuck town called Cherry and how her mom had met Thomas cleaning rooms at one of his hotels. She may not have been fed with a silver spoon growing up, but sooner or later, she’d have to accept the fact that her life had changed. Ever would one day inherit all of his family’s riches, and if their thing lasted past high school, so would she.

Her mouth tightened as if she could read my thoughts. “When I have to.”

Our staring contest went on for a little while longer until I finally caved and accepted it with some hesitation. I studied the dress a little longer this time and realized it was fucking beautiful. A little couture for my taste, but beggars couldn’t be choosers. Peeking at the tag, my jaw dropped at the price. I could never afford this with a thousand stolen wallets!

“And when you don’t?”

She sighed and flopped down in the seat next to me. “Well, I’m dating the most popular boy in school, and no one fucks with him so…”

“No one fucks with you,” I said, filling in the blank.

She simply shrugged before shooing Jay D away when he started chewing on a chair cushion. I had a pretty good idea of the kind of power Ever had. The social ladder was the same in any school. At the top were the elite who everyone wanted to either be or avoid at all cost, and at the bottom were the ones who were stepped on to reach the top. “The power he has…it doesn’t bother you?”

She chewed on her lip, a tell I’d quickly learned meant she was anxious. “It used to, and, to be honest, I’m still getting used to it. We didn’t exactly click when we first met, so I know what it’s like to be at his mercy. The first time he unleashed his wrath on me, he convinced his father to send me to reform school…in Europe.”


“Don’t worry,” she said with a grin, “I got him back.”


“I made his life hell…or at least I tried to. I challenged him, and the weirdo ended up falling for me instead. The way he looked at me, the way he touched me…it made me burn for him. I fought it, but after a while, I couldn’t even remember why I hated him.”

“So it ended happily for you, but what about the people he doesn’t fall in love with?”

“He’s not a bully,” she argued. When I tilted my head skeptically, she shook her head and smiled. “I guess I was the exception,” she conceded. “I know it sounds lame and not at all romantic, but it’s true. It’s hard to get under Ever’s skin and even harder to get out. He doesn’t prey on the Copyright 2016 - 2024