The Moth and the Flame (When Rivals Play #2) - B.B. Reid Page 0,110

with too many tattoos had somehow succeeded in pulling us apart. Remembering the way he looked at Lou when I ran into them in Times Square, I quickly caught his jaw with a mean right hook.

It was a cheap shot and my shittiest idea yet.

He countered with one of his own, but before he could come at me with more, Ever’s little playmate ran between us, and we both stopped dead in our tracks. Ever was practically foaming at the mouth when he rushed to pull Four out of harm’s way and immediately scolded her with his hand gripping her chin. “If they want to kill each other, let them.”

“You’re all acting like idiots,” she shouted at him. “How could you just attack him when you don’t even know why he’s here?” My eyebrows rose at her level of anger. Something told me it wasn’t for my health.

“I know why he’s here,” Ever said ominously.

Remembering Lou, who was safely watching from the hood of my car, I interrupted their bickering. “I’m not here to kill you.”

Ever turned on me and seemed more pissed than when he thought I wanted to end him. “Then what the fuck?” he spat.

“You attacked me,” I reminded.

“What was I supposed to think? You threatened me the last time I saw you.”

Before I could answer, the douchebag who still looked like he wanted to rip me apart said, “Since no one is killing anyone, what do you say we take this inside? I need ice.” With one last glare thrown my way, he stalked off for the house.

The minute the door closed behind him, Ever and I resumed our standoff until the silence graduated from tense to awkward.

“I don’t know about you,” Four drawled, and when I glanced at her, I realized she was speaking to Lou, “but all this testosterone is a little stifling.”

Even though she was the enemy, Lou grinned back at her. Traitor. “It’s like watching The Undertaker and Stone Cold in a staring contest. Cue the drama.”

“Then we better get inside,” Four suggested as she turned on her heel. “Streams are bound to cross.”

She started across the driveway, and Lou hesitated for only a second before shrugging and following after her.

What the hell?

“Why are you here?” Ever gritted the moment the girls were inside.

I sighed and forced myself to pretend my tail wasn’t tucked between my legs while I looked him in the eye. “I need your help.”

Of all the things he expected me to say, I could tell that hadn’t even come close to being one of them. He looked startled for a moment, and then he looked pissed. Very pissed.

“Come again?”

I swallowed past the lump in my throat, and still, words failed to form. How do you ask someone whose life you once threatened for help? Ever had no reason to help me just as I had no reason to trust him, but I was out of options and because of me, so was he.

“Lou was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and now Fox wants her dead. I’m not about to let that happen.”

“I see…” Tilting his head, he squinted his eyes. “How the fuck is that my problem?” His tone implied that he was genuinely curious, but the lack of sympathy in his gaze told me he was anything but.

“You’re the only person left in this world who I know would give a shit if Fox killed an innocent girl.”

“I’m sure he’s killed plenty,” Ever muttered still trying to convince me that he didn’t care.

“And if you help me by keeping her here where it’s safe, I’m going to make sure that he doesn’t get the chance again.”

He blinked, and I could see he was surprised, but he quickly shook it off. “How the hell am I supposed to explain her to my father? He’ll take one look at her and have the cops dragging her back to wherever she came from.”

“Somehow, you got close enough to breathe down Fox’s neck. Use that same cunning.” I wasn’t backing down. Unfortunately, neither was he. I could tell he was ready to tell me to kick rocks, so I exhaled and said, “I’ll make it worth your while.”

It seemed cruel to play this card not knowing if I’d succeed, but I had no choice. Ever couldn’t stand me, and with good reason, so he wouldn’t make this easy for me.

“You don’t have anything I want.”

“No…but I can get it. I can get her.”

I was hit with the coldest Copyright 2016 - 2024