The Most Beautiful Girl in Cuba - Chanel Cleeton Page 0,108

that night with Berriz. With each day, it grows a bit easier, but it feels like something I will carry with me always whether I wish to or not.

“General Lee has kept me abreast of your triumphs,” Carlos continues. “He sent me clippings from the American newspapers who feted you like a queen. I saved them all, I confess. You made Cuba proud. You made all of us proud.”

I flush now under his regard, the words so prettily slipping from his tongue. There’s something so dashing about him in his uniform, and for a moment, it feels like I have gone back in time to the girl I would have been if Berriz never happened, a handsome man paying me compliments. It reminds me of how it was before when Emilio courted me on the Isle of Pines, and yet, even if the dance feels familiar, I am different now.

The man I give my heart to next will be worthy of it.

“How have you been since we last met?” Carlos asks. “Truly? It cannot be easy—all that has happened to you.”

“I have been well. I miss home,” I answer, feeling as though I am for once able to speak my mind considering he knew me before I boarded a ship to America and everything changed. “Miss my family. It’s difficult, waiting and wondering when the Spanish will be defeated, when I’ll be able to go home. If I’ll be able to go home. I am building a life here while my heart is in Cuba.”

“I haven’t been gone as long as you have, but I understand. I miss it, too. No matter how much time I spend outside of Cuba, I am always convinced it is the most beautiful place my eyes have ever seen.”

“I am surprised to find you here. Is it merely a visit, or—”

“I traveled with General Lee from Havana in March, and when he was given command of the Seventh Army Corps in April, he appointed me to his staff and commissioned me as an officer.”

“So you think the Americans are the ones who will help us bring about independence?”

“I hope so. This home rule Blanco has offered isn’t enough. As valiantly as we have fought, I believe it will take more to eject Spain from our shores. The Americans are our best chance.”

“Is it as bad in Cuba as everyone says it is?”

He nods, his jaw clenched.

What kind of home will I return to if I ever return at all?

“How long will you stay with General Lee?” I ask.

“Until we’re given orders to return to Cuba. We’re waiting to see when we’ll be sent over. When he told me you would be visiting, I was happy at the prospect of being able to see you again. I confess, I haven’t forgotten the time we spent together at my home.”

Warmth fills me at the memory of the things we said to each other, of the kindness he showed me, of the affection that developed between us in such a short time.

“I’ve thought of it often, too.” I’ve wondered what would have happened between us if I’d stayed at his house longer. “I can never thank you enough for all that you did for me, for saving me. Who knows what would have happened if you hadn’t intervened on my behalf. You risked your life for me, and I never will forget it.”

“It was my honor. When I realized I would be traveling with Lee, I thought I might see you again. I brought something for you.”

He reaches into his uniform pocket and pulls out a folded piece of paper, handing it to me.

I recognize the handwriting immediately.

It is my sister Carmen’s.

Tears fill my eyes as I take the letter from his hands, as I look at the word “Evangelina” on the outside, as I unfold it, reading the words contained there.

I only make it to the first line, before I must stop, emotion overcoming me. I will read the rest of it in the privacy of my room, when I’m able to let my guard down and truly be myself.

“How—how did you—”

I can’t say the rest of it for the tears clogging my throat.

“After you left Cuba, I asked after your family. An acquaintance of mine knew your sister Carmen and put us in touch. I visited her before I left the country. I told her there was a chance that I might see you since I was travelling with the Lees and I asked her Copyright 2016 - 2024