More Than Maybe - Erin Hahn Page 0,25

you’re still on the fence. Okay. But if you decide to go?”

She’s not interested in hearing anything other than yes. I wasn’t with Lindsay long, but that personality trait was abundantly clear from the beginning. Our breakup is still raw, though, and I imagine, given time, she’ll find a better option.

“If I decide to go, and I won’t, but if I do, you’ll be the first to know.”

She beams, her cheeks flushing. “Great. I’m planning to go in turquoise this year, so keep that in mind.”

I can’t help it; my jaw drops. Oh, to possess even a tenth of her gall. Before I can argue, she’s off toward a table of her friends, who all wave at me as I join Zack and a bunch of his teammates at another spot.

I slide my lunch onto the table, and Zack raises his heavy brows over what is likely his third PB&J.

“I think I was offered a prom date? Or I was offered to be a prom date?”

He chews thoughtfully. “She asked you to the prom?”

I unwrap my sandwich and tear open a mayo packet. “More like she asked if I would take her, and when I said I wasn’t going, she suggested I could take her when I changed my mind.”

He shrugs this off. “Did you agree?”

“Not in so many words, but I’m not sure that would hold up in court.”

“She’s slippery.”

“She is,” I agree. “But that’s okay. I have zero interest in the prom.”

“Even with a different date?” he asks, meaning pressed into every word.

I glare at him before covering the chicken patty in pickles and replacing the bun, taking a bite.

“I’m just saying, you might regret it later.”

“I won’t.”

“But what about—”

I cut him off with a look.

“How was last night?” he asks, his eyes gleaming.

“What the fuck, man? What’s with the eye twinkle all of a sudden? It’s like you’re channeling Dumbledore.”


I sigh. “It was good,” I say, my voice low. I toss a glance at the rest of the guys at the table, but they’re busy strategizing or something. That Zack is super gay would be an issue in most towns, and he’s faced his share of grief, but never from the team. I might not fit in with those guys, but he does. Turns out, they care more about winning than who he spends his free time with. Part of that is Ann Arbor. Part of that is Zack and Cullen. You can’t help but root for them.

“Only good?”

“I’m not sure.” If I can’t tell Zack, who can I tell? And I need to tell someone. The conversation with Vada at the diner, still fresh in my mind, I pull out my phone. After a quick look around, I open my text from Vada and pass it to him.

After a moment, he passes it back. “Okay. I’m assuming there’s more to it from the look on your face, but I don’t know Zeppelin.”

I slump back into my chair, stifling a groan. “Never mind, the bell’s about to ring anyway.”

Zack sighs, rolling his eyes in an overexaggerated way and pulling out his phone, before, in a very pointed voice, saying, “Siri, what are the lyrics to ‘Thank You’ by Led Zeppelin?”

As Siri works her magic, he mumbles under his breath, “And I thought Cull was the dramatic one.” His eyes dart back and forth, and his thumb scrolls through the sparse lyrics. I watch as his eyes grow wider.

He looks at me, stunned, and I instantly feel better.

“What does this mean?” he asks.

“Thank you?”

“Okay, I’ll try again. Are you freaking out?”

“Not necessarily,” I lie.

He grins.

“What does this mean?” I ask, turning it around on him.

He shakes his head right as the bell rings. We gather up our trash and walk over to the bin, tossing everything in. “I don’t know. You and Carsewell are on a different level from mere mortals. There is one thing, though…”

“Yeah?” I ask as we file out through the double doors.

“You should have been clearer to Lindsay about the prom thing. Sounds like you might have plans.”

* * *

It took me until the end of Wednesday to decide I didn’t care what the song meant. Or, rather, of course I did, but I didn’t have the stones to ask Vada to clarify, so I needed to leave it alone.

Instead, I decided two could play that game. I desperately wanted to get inside her brain, and the best way I could think to do it was texting.

It’s easy to be bold when texting.


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