More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,97

air. Probably less than ten seconds later, Uncle Jeff plucked me out and that was that. But I had nightmares for weeks. After that, anytime any of my friends wanted to swim or hit the beach, I made up excuses. I just never confronted the water again.”

And if I can get her to stay with me, she’ll be surrounded by water all the time.

For now, I distract her with small talk. We play a few splashing games. Before too long, she’s only holding on to me with one hand, then none at all. Once I point out how many places along the side of the boat she can grab if she panics, she joins me for a swim around the vessel. An hour passes. Then another. The sun starts to sink. I picture her living here, spending carefree days with me and Ranger, just enjoying Hawaii and the life she and I build together. I picture her in this same bikini, belly rounding, cheering for my son as he swims between us.

God, that seems like the best life ever.

And she can make or break me with one word. I’ve got to do this right.

But no pressure, buddy.

When I finally help Masey back onto the catamaran, she seems perfectly at ease in the water with me. I’m about to burst with pride. I’m so damn excited that she let go and trusted me.

Does she trust me enough to know I’d never treat her like Thom?

After we’ve rinsed the saltwater and dried off, I call her into the galley and sit her at one of the barstools. I glance outside. Two minutes before the setting sun will be perfect.

Here goes nothing…

I pluck up two plastic cups and the bottle of champagne I’ve been chilling. “Would you take these out to the back? Let’s sit at the table. I want to talk to you.”

“Okay.” But she looks suspicious. No, worried. “Everything all right?”

Fuck, I hope so. “Yeah. Be right there.”

Masey nods and heads toward the stern. I change into my shorts and shove my hands into my pockets. Shit, I’m shaking. Am I crazy to think that a woman I’ve known ten days will uproot her entire life to come spend it with me?

Outside, the wind kicks up. I open the bottle and pour, doing my best to smile at her when, really, I’m so nervous I might puke. Flashbacks are a bitch. But this has to turn out better, right?

“You okay?” She looks genuinely concerned.

Unlike Voldemort.

I let out a breath. Masey trusted me today. Now I need her to trust in us.

“Honey, I’ve enjoyed every minute I’ve spent with you. From the second we met, I knew you were special. That became even more apparent to me when you helped me the night my mother sprained her ankle. Then again when you selflessly gave up your rental to come stay with me—a guy you’d known for two days—so someone else could be a bit safer.”

“I’ve loved being with you. And you did star in my video. That meant a lot to me.”

“Me, too. Thank you for trusting me with your audience and your passion. But the truth is, I don’t want to be your ten-day boyfriend.”

Her face falls, and she bites her lip hard, this time looking like she’s about to cry. “I don’t need a flowery goodbye, Trace. I get it. You never planned on me being underfoot and…I know love doesn’t really last forever.”

She thinks this is a kiss-off speech?

“It does.” I grab her shoulders. “At least my love does, damn it.” I’m barely aware of the sun’s rich-hued glide toward the horizon or the salty breeze. I’m lost in her blue eyes and their pain. I had a speech prepared—and it’s entirely gone. “You’re it for me, honey. I don’t want to be your ten-day boyfriend because I don’t want to be your boyfriend at all. I’m not Thom. I don’t need a decade to know whether I want to marry you. You’ve probably never thought of us as meant to be, but that’s how I see us. There’s a reason we came into each other’s lives when we needed one another most. And I know as sure as I’m standing in front of you that my life will never be complete without you.” I drop to one knee and pull out the ring I picked yesterday from my pocket. “Masey, honey, will you make me the happiest man ever and marry me?”

Shock crosses her face. Her eyes water Copyright 2016 - 2024