More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,62

angst. Most often, it seems like she tries to see the best in people and situations. Do I think she’s got a dark side under her pretty skin that I haven’t seen yet? It’s possible. But she’s also not the kind of girl to crumple easily.

When she wipes away a tear that falls from her eye, she sniffles and puts on a brave smile. “The split was amicable. And we’ll remain friends. But I need a little time away to rest and rejuvenate.

“As many of you know, I also recently buried my dad. My mom needs me more than ever, and I think this is a good time to step back. I have a few videos pre-recorded, so I’ll be releasing one a week for the next six weeks. After that, I plan to return to filming and get back on track. So don’t worry. You haven’t seen the last of me.”

Beside her, the cat stands, stretches, walks in a circle, and plops again, this time planting its aristocratic chin on Masey’s thigh. She lets out a watery laugh and strokes the gray tabby’s back. “Even Harry needs a break. As you can see, he’s desperately overworked. He also likes to remind me that he’s the most important man in my life.”

She pauses to rub the feline’s head again. His purr is so loud it’s audible through her microphone.

After another little laugh that sounds a bit more forced than the last, she addresses the camera again. Her eyes fill with tears once more, but she blinks them away. Her nose is a shade redder, and her lips are stiff. But she pushes on. “I can’t thank you all enough for your support, words of encouragement, cards, DMs… It means so much to know you’re thinking of me and keeping my family in your prayers.

“I know many of you are wondering about the palette challenge video review I teamed up with Lali Eastbrook to do a few weeks ago. It’s filmed, and she’s edited her part. I’m sorry I haven’t finished mine, but Lali has been incredibly kind and supportive. Our videos will be released simultaneously once I’ve had the chance to make it upload-ready. I appreciate everyone’s patience. I promise it’s at the top of my list. Other than that…I just hope you all understand that I need a few weeks to take care of me. Thom and I would both be grateful for privacy. As always, I’m so humbled by your continuing support and love. I promise I’ll be back soon. Until then, hugs and lipstick to you all!”

Then the video fades to a graphic of a heart with her first name scrawled in pink script over it.

I pause before a different video starts and scroll down to the comments. They are many, varied, and shocking. Over eighty thousand of them. I won’t be able to read them all, but I can’t resist reading some.

A group of hardcore fans banded together to send cards, gifts, handmade candles, and other things meant to cheer Masey up. Some people recount their own breakup experiences. One viewer tries to cheer her up by saying that, while it must hurt, at least Thom didn’t leave her at the altar as her boyfriend did. Some others try to give post-relationship advice about being good to herself, healing at her own pace, and crying if she needs to. The vast majority are incredibly supportive of her decision to step away and heal.

And a healthy handful of them loathe Thom.

Quite a few of those say they all knew he was a douche when he refused to participate in the Boyfriend-Does-My-Makeup Challenge because appearing in something so “silly” damaged him professionally. Some others piled on and agreed, saying they knew Thom sucked as a person because he seemingly didn’t care that his refusal hurt her. Still others wrote that when he reluctantly played along with the Boyfriend-Chooses-My-Makeup Challenge but refused to allow any shots of him except from the back that he was a self-important prick.

I can’t disagree.

But a small, vocal minority of the commenters seem viciously determined to tear Masey apart while she’s down. They claim she’s ugly. That she’s a hag. That she’s getting what she deserves because she’s stuck-up now that she’s found success. That she has all the sexiness of shoe leather, so she shouldn’t be surprised that she lost her man to an internet star with better tits. That she’s getting what she deserves. That other beauty influencers—multiple names provided—are prettier and Copyright 2016 - 2024