More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,57

anyone who wouldn’t love Ranger like a mother. I get her logic. Why waste time and romantic capital on someone who ultimately won’t accept my son?

“You okay?”

Her concern means something to me. I should probably stop staring. “Fine. Be right back.”

I cart the boxes and stash them in the back of the SUV, trying to make as much room as possible for more. As I duck out to retrieve more inside the house, Tanner pulls up to the curb in his classic red Mustang. He exits and leans into the back seat, then straightens up again with a baby. Well, nearly a toddler. Oliver has wavy light brown hair and the signature Reed green eyes. He takes one look at Tanner and starts to fuss.

My buddy looks near the end of his patience.

I rush over. “Need help?”

“Pointers, maybe. I’ve never been around kids.”


He shakes his head. “I’m an only child. But more importantly, I need my hands free…just in case.”

Someone violent is lying in wait. “Masey and I have been here for a bit. We haven’t seen anyone.”

Amanda climbs out of the car and runs around to claim her son. She’s all of five foot two, and Oliver is a big, strapping boy who already looks half her size. She sends Tanner an apologetic glance. “Sorry. He’s still behind on his sleep.”

“It’s no problem,” he assures.

Even Amanda isn’t buying it, but she lets it go and glances my way. “Hi, Trace. Do you know where I can lay my son down?”

“I don’t. I’ve only been here a few minutes, but Masey is inside. Since she knows her way around this place, she’ll help you.”

“Thanks.” She grabs her diaper bag from inside the muscle car, soothes her fussy son with a soft whisper and a smoothing of his hair, then shoots Tanner a sidelong stare before she disappears inside.

“How’s that going?” I ask.

He takes a hot minute answering, seemingly too busy watching her walk away to form words, before he turns to me. “Um…interesting.”

“That doesn’t sound good. Shit. Sorry, man. I’ll pay you for your time and headache.”

“No.” He waves me away. “She’s doing it. We’ve worked something out.”

It’s not what Tanner says—but what he doesn’t—that tells me there’s a problem. “But?”


“Of you?” I’m not sure why. He’s a great guy. Smart, good sense of humor… What’s not to like?

“Until just now, I didn’t know if it was me or men in general. But she doesn’t have a problem with you.” He sounds perturbed.

“What do you think is going on with her?”

“I have some theories.”

So do I. They’re attracted to each other. Amanda is gun-shy, and Tanner doesn’t like unprofessional feelings messing with his duty. But they’re stuck with one another for now.

Maybe I should feel guilty that I cooked this situation up to be closer to Masey. But I don’t. Amanda needs safety; Tanner will give it to her. The rest? That’s up to them.

“Got any luggage?”

“Yeah.” He nods. “I could use a hand.”

I help him in with a duffel and a rolling suitcase that must be Oliver’s, given the race-car motif. He handles Amanda’s enormous bag and what’s clearly his gun case.

By the time we stroll inside and find the women, they’ve settled Oliver in the out-of-the-way walk-in closet on his blanket, surrounded by pillows. Amanda is moving her things into the bedroom and bathroom since Masey managed to pack up her stuff in the last few minutes and wheel her suitcase into the hall.

“Need anything else?” Masey asks the blonde.

“Did you find a grocery store nearby? Or a delivery service?”

Masey fills the other woman in, then we take a few more trips with her boxes out to the SUV. The back is piled high when roadside assistance arrives, tosses the spare on my vehicle, and leaves with my signature. Finally, we put the rest of Masey’s things in the back of my truck, then head inside to collect Ranger.

I stop short when I find Amanda backed against the wall in the hallway while Tanner stands over her, palm flat just above her head. Their eyes lock. He leans closer. She lifts her chin. They’re breathing hard. I can’t tell whether they’re going to argue…or kiss.

I clear my throat. “We just…um, need to grab Ranger and his gear from the office.”

They jump apart like a pair of scalded dogs.

“Sure.” Tanner gestures me into the office at the end of the hall, trying not to look guilty.

Amanda puts as much distance between them as she can. “I think I’ll just…get Copyright 2016 - 2024