More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,93

nothing to do or say to each other.”

“So you never went on a date? Not once?”

“No.” How do I explain this? “We had nothing in common.”

“Except sex?”

“Except sex.”

She looks genuinely perplexed. “But it’s so much better when you’re with someone who matters.”

I grin. Does she realize what she just admitted? “You think so?”

Masey blushes, then meets my stare head on. “Yeah. The night we met… If your mother hadn’t hurt her ankle, I’m sure the sex would have been good. After all, you’re”—she sighs—“fantastic. But you know that. Practice makes perfect.”

“That’s the saying.” And I used to care about being the best in bed. Then again, I had nothing else. Now all I care about is being the best I can be for Masey.

“But because we waited that extra day and I got to know you more, it was even better. And it’s only blown me away more the deeper our connection has become.”

“It has. And that’s been a surprise to me, too.” Another reason I’m trying so hard to break through Masey’s barriers. I don’t think I could go back to all the meaningless sex. I sure as hell don’t want to. “Every day with you has just gotten sweeter, honey.”

I caress her face, kiss her waiting lips, and make love to her mouth. Slow. Tender. Thorough. A thousand words of love without speaking at all. But when she reaches for my shirt buttons, I grab her wrists.

“Let’s talk for now, okay?”

“You’re right.”

I lead her to a cozy, oversized chair in the corner, a plush off-white that’s like a cloud the minute I sink down. Then I pull Masey onto my lap.

“Stop. I’m too big,” she protests as she tries to stand.

I hold her tighter. “Pfft. No, you’re not. Sit here. Let me hold you.”

She stares at me, and I’d swear her eyes are telling me that I’m the beginning and the end of her universe.

Slow down, big boy. It’s not as if she’s said she loves you. Not even close…

Finally, she settles her head on my chest. “There’s a whole beautiful wedding going on out there, and here we are in our own cocoon. I can hear the faint strains of the music…”

I can, too. And I’m not unhappy we’re missing the B-52s. “I’m not going to apologize for it.”

“And here we are, in our own ‘Love Shack.’” She giggles.

“Really?” I lift my head and look down at her. “When you’re nervous—”

“I tell corny jokes. I know. Sorry.”

Actually, it’s kind of cute. “Don’t be nervous. It’s just us. Keeley knew we needed to be alone. The truth is, I think everyone out there would understand. They’ve been through a lot, too.”

“So much. OMG… Harlow has told me a bit about her brothers and their wives. All the pain, revenge, and betrayal. Those parents!”

“Real pieces of work, huh?”

“Holy cow. Harlow is so glad all that is behind her now. And she feels blessed that she and Bethany, despite not having met until just a few months ago, are really being sisters.”

I nod and kiss the top of Masey’s head. “And I’m happy for all of them. But I want to talk about us.”

“Sorry. You’re right.” She sighs. “You want to know where we go from here.”

“Yeah, but you’re still thinking, aren’t you?”

She nods. “I have to. Before I say anything, I want to be really sure…”

Because she’s so cautious. I’m impatient as fuck to hear what she’s feeling, but pushing won’t get me anywhere. “I understand.”

“You’re trying to. And that’s one of the things I—”

Love? I hold my breath. Stupid or not, I’m hoping.

“Admire so much about you,” she finally finishes.

“Thanks.” I try not to be disappointed. “I told my brother you and I weren’t on the same page yet, but that I thought we were closing in on the same chapter, at least. Am I wrong?”

“No.” Masey lifts her head to look at me. “You’re not.”

That’s something. “Can you work with me here? You like me, right?”

“Of course.”

“You like-like me?” I tease.

She laughs. “You know I do.”

“Do you…like me a lot?” I caress my way down her arm. It takes everything I have not to pull up her skirt, reach inside her panties, and seduce her. But sex won’t tell me what’s in her heart.

“A lot-a lot. I feel like I’m in eighth grade.”

“You liked someone in eighth grade that much?”

“I thought I did.” She frowns.

Just like she thought she liked Thom. I can’t let that thought fester.

“But you’re not thirteen anymore.”

“Thank goodness.”

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