More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,75

inside me. When I thought she merely wanted me to scratch her itch, I had a hard time letting her out of my bed. But hearing her admit that what we have is more than physical, like we might both be falling in love?

That does something to me I can’t control.

I reach above Masey’s head and across the bed, gripping the side of the mattress so hard I can’t feel my fingers. What I can feel? The swelling of my cock as I use my leverage and every bit of my strength to drive even farther inside her. She takes everything I give her with grateful sighs and clings to me desperately for more.

“Trace,” she pants my name in my ear like a plea. “Trace. Trace!”

“Scream for me, honey.”

She answers with breathless sobs. Her pussy clutches me tightly. I feel her cling to every fucking inch of me in a delicious velvet grip.

“I’m there.”

I lift my head to look at her, elbows digging into the mattress, hips surging rapidly. “I know. Come with me.”

“Yes.” She spreads her lips across my skin again with tiny, fevered presses before she opens her eyes.

Her stare is like a light from heaven shining on me and all my favorite sins from hell all rolled into one.

That and the cries that tear from her bucking body are enough to undo whatever’s left of my restraint. I can’t help myself; I sink in as deep as I possibly can, bare my teeth, and release inside her for endless, euphoric thrusts.

Holy shit. This isn’t an orgasm. I don’t know what it is, but I spill everything I have into her. Black spots glimmer and flash at the edge of my vision. A possessive wave overtakes me.

I grab her wet hair and force her eyes open. She has to look at me. I have to put my mouth on her. I have to sink my teeth into her. I have to leave my mark on her.

That’s all I can think of as I bite into her shoulder and shudder through the last of a climax so epic I feel as if I should write songs or shout from the rooftops about it.

“Trace…” she whimpers. “Trace.”

I finally catch my breath and lift my head. I’m a little embarrassed that I left actual teeth marks in her neck. I’m slightly shocked that I’ve wound her wet tresses around my fist and tugged so tight I see the strands at her hairline straining. And as I shift to give her room to breathe, I’m stunned to realize that I fucked her without any protection at all.

Instantly, I release her and slide free, staring down at her and trying to find the right words. “I’m sorry.”

It’s all I can think of.

She frowns. “Why?”

Maybe she doesn’t get it yet. “I lost my head. I was rough. I forgot the condom.”

“Oh.” She frowns, then shakes her head. “It should be all right. I’ve been on the pill since I was sixteen to help regulate my periods. I missed most of the weekend, but I’ll get back on track with them tonight.”

I let out the breath I’ve been holding. It’s a good thing she’s on the pill. It is. Really…despite the random images bombarding my brain of a pregnant Masey coming to my bed all bare breasts and rounding belly, with her heart in her eyes.

Yeah, I’m an idiot. That’s not happening, and I shouldn’t want another child right now, especially with another woman who hasn’t—and might never—commit to me.

“That’s…good. I’ll be more careful next time.” I get to my feet and tell myself to get over this ridiculous disappointment.

“Whatever you want. But you’re clean, and I’ve never…”

Had sex without a condom? Thom was a germaphobe, I remember. Or maybe that was his excuse for why he gloved up. He was probably getting around a lot. I doubt Candy Kitty was his first piece of ass on the side.

I struggle for something to say when I realize that the shower is still on—and I left the stall door wide open. “Shit!”

I force my rubbery legs to sprint back into the bathroom. Sure enough, a sheen of water covers the floor around the bath mat.

“What?” Masey asks.

“I was too distracted to turn the fucking water off. It’s going to be slick as hell. Stay there.”

“I’ll grab more towels.”

Absently I nod and make my way to the stall. The water is freezing. Apparently, I ran through the reserves in the hot water tank while I took Masey Copyright 2016 - 2024