More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,49

meetings tomorrow,” she says of her husband. “Amanda Lund and her son were going to stay the week with me so I’d have some company. But people found her. A mob gathered in my front yard. Someone even broke into the house. I called the police.”

Holy shit. “Are they there yet? Are you all okay?”

“Yeah. Fine, just shaken. The trespassers are gone now. But Amanda can’t stay here.”

“You’re right. You have to think about your safety.” Nia is too pregnant to be dealing with a gang of people out for blood.

“I feel horrible, but…yeah. We both agree.”

“Tell me how I can help. I can be there in less than thirty.”

“You don’t have to come. Evan says he’ll fly home as soon as he can. Stephen will be here the moment he’s free, but I need to help him figure out where Amanda can safely stay. Anyway, I remember you telling me you met a guy recently. Um…a firearms instructor, I think.”

“Tanner Kirk, yeah.”

“Any good?”

“From reputation, one of the best.”

“He ever do any bodyguarding work?”

I don’t know for sure, but… “Probably.”

He seems like the sort.

“Amanda wants to hire him. Today.”

Because she’s afraid. I already know from extended family gossip that this isn’t the first time she’s been hunted and terrorized for her past. She’s endured death threats. Some have even threatened her son, who hasn’t had his first birthday yet. Assholes.

“Yeah. Sure. I’ll reach out to him now.” I sigh. “What the fuck is wrong with people?”

“I don’t know. She’s terrified.”

So is Nia, but she’s doing her best to be strong.

“How long will it take Stephen to get there?”

“A while. He’s at the hospital. Skye is spotting and having contractions. The baby isn’t due until October. They’re worried. In the meantime, Harlow is on her way to help Amanda pack up—”

“Harlow?” But not Noah?

My brother is probably taking care of their son…and our mom. He’s got his hands full.

“Yeah. She insisted. She suggested I call you, too.”

Twenty bucks says my crafty sister-in-law is up to something. “Tell Stephen to stay with his wife. And Evan doesn’t need to fly home. I got this.”

If Tanner is free, he’ll chip in. He’s a good guy. He won’t let this shit keep happening to Amanda. I’ll work with him to make sure it doesn’t.

“Thank you.” Nia sounds relieved.

“Happy to help.” I’m not thrilled about leaving Masey right now, but if I persuade her to watch Ranger, she’ll still be here when I get back.

“I really hate to impose, but I appreciate it.”

“You’re not imposing.” I won’t dump this problem in the lap of a woman thirty weeks pregnant. “I’ll be right there.”

When I end the call and turn to wake Masey, I find her rubbing her eyes and frowning. “What’s going on?”

Reluctantly, I climb out of bed. “Sorry to do this. Could you watch Ranger again for a few hours? That was Nia.”

“Evan’s wife, right? I haven’t met her yet.”

“She’s fantastic. But she’s got a situation. She has Amanda Lund staying with her and—”

“The one who got pregnant by Harlow’s dad?”

“She’s one of them, yeah.”

“She’s younger than me.”

“Yeah.” Barclay Reed was an absolute scumbag before his unsurprisingly violent end. “I know she had an affair with a vile human being, but she came to Maui to get away from the press and the mob ‘justice.’ They just keep finding her.”

Masey looks concerned. “Why? Does she know anything?”

“They all assume she does because she was Barclay’s last mistress. She was with him when he was embezzling most of his clients’ funds. But Harlow and all her siblings insist their father wouldn’t have told her anything. Bethany was working for him as his right hand, and he never said a peep to her. Why would he tell the girl he was screwing?”

“Wow.” Masey looks bowled over. “My hat is off to all of Barclay’s kids. Despite the fact their dad cheated on their mom with a girl younger than his daughters, they’re doing their best to help Amanda. It’s admirable.”

“Yeah, but her son is also their brother. In the last year or two, the siblings have really come together, even the illegitimate ones, to form a true family. They’re not going to let resentment keep them from having Oliver in their lives.”

Masey nods. “Sure. And I agree. He’s just a kid…”

“Exactly. Can you stay and watch Ranger?”

“Sure. We’ll hang and have fun. No problem.”

Just like that, our night together is officially over. I don’t know if I have the right to do this anymore, but I’m Copyright 2016 - 2024