More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,21

moan and tells me she’s dangerously close to orgasm.

My grin becomes a smile. “That is one juicy pussy. You ready to get out of here and let me make you feel so good?”

“Yes. Hurry.”

All her earlier hesitation is gone. She was willing at the onset, but I wasn’t convinced she actually wanted sex beyond a curiosity to see how it felt with someone else. And I hated the idea of her flaying herself with guilt afterward. When I leave her, I want her to focus on the pleasure and not linger over remorse. Sex shouldn’t be bound by hang-ups and barricaded by inhibitions. She put up with Thom’s germaphobe thing and his busy career, not to mention his moronic outlook on how much time sex should take from his “busy” schedule. I want to blow past all those stupid obstacles and show her ecstasy.

She deserves it.

“Let’s go.” I urge her to her feet and stand behind her.

Masey turns to face me. “Where?”

“Where do you want to be? We can imagine ourselves anywhere…”

“In my bedroom. With you. I don’t know how you knew I needed to be someplace else for a bit—”

“It was obvious you were struggling to face it head on.” I shrug. “I just tried to help.”

“Thanks,” she murmurs before sinking her teeth into that bottom lip again.

“You know that drives me insane, right?”

Her frown looks genuinely perplexed. “What?”

“The way you bite your lip.”

She stops. “Sorry. I didn’t realize.”

“I didn’t say I wanted you to stop. I said it drives me utterly batshit. And after the way I’ve riled and aroused you tonight, do you really feel bad about paying me back?”

A little smile creeps across her face. “Not a lot.”

“Good. Don’t change for me—or anyone. You’re great the way you are.” I cup her cheek. “And now I get to prove you’re orgasmic, too.”

“What do I get to do to you in return?”

“Keep being you. You’ll drive me even wilder.”

She tsks. “No, I won’t.”

“Wanna bet? I’m staring at you in this red dress. It’s perfectly modest…except that it’s clinging to your hard nipples and I know you’re fucking bare underneath it. It drives my desire, which motivates me to provoke yours, even higher. And once I do, you’ll undoubtedly make some move that torques me up even more. Get it?”

Masey cocks her head. “Does that work in reverse?”

What is she asking? If I turn her loose on my body, let her do whatever she wants, will she arouse the ever-loving fuck out of me? “Yeah.”

Her smile gives me more than a little pause. “Good to know. So you coming home with me?”

“I’m already here. You going to let me take that dress off?”

She blinks. “I’ll be totally naked.”

“Yes, you will.” I bring her body against me and cover her lips with mine, forging my way inside and remembering just how sweet she tastes.

“But what about you?” She glances down. “Those jeans can’t be comfortable.”

Then she surprises the hell out of me when she cups my cock through the denim.

I suck in a sharp breath and try to maintain my cool. If I don’t, I’ll be ripping through my button-fly, shucking these pants, throwing her down on the bed, tossing up her skirt…and remembering too late that this isn’t just about easing the need broiling in my balls. Harlow asked me to do Masey right. She needs it. My impatience doesn’t get to override that…but she’s making it hard to resist.

I’ll stop her—in a minute.

Through the thick fabric, I feel her curious fingers slide and squeeze up, caressing when she reaches the sensitive head, then gripping her way back down. I groan and toss my head back, digging my desperate fingers into her shoulders and trying so hard not to tear off everything we’re wearing and find relief now.

I’m usually cool and patient. The five-month abstinence isn’t helping, but I know this is mostly about Masey. She’s making me crave more.

“It’s nice to know I can get to you, too,” she murmurs as she kisses her way across my shoulder, down to one pec, then sucks my nipple in her mouth.

I rise to my toes, my body stiffening. Desire detonates like a bomb in my gut.

Too damn fast. “Jesus, Masey…”

I can’t stop myself, I thumb her breast through her dress, twisting and tugging on her nipple.

She freezes. Her breaths seesaws from her chest. “How quickly can you get these jeans off? I can be naked in ten seconds.”

My whole plan tonight was to take my time, inundate her with Copyright 2016 - 2024