More Than Dare You - Shayla Black Page 0,12

fully committed to pleasing each other.”

Masey suddenly closes her mouth. “You’re right.”

“I can see from your expression that you’re realizing, from where we stand right now, it won’t be easy.”

She looks somewhere between frustrated and defeated. “Yes.”

“And we don’t have time to build the kind of intimacy that comes from getting to know each other and slowly dating, dipping our toe in the water, or going through personal crises to see if the other person will be there for us. That takes somewhere between weeks and years, depending. We have tonight.”

“So what do we do? Now that you’ve pointed all this out, it seems so obvious. I think I’ve known it in the back of my head and simply didn’t want to admit it. But I haven’t trusted Thom with my emotions in a long time.” She frowns. “Maybe I never really did.”

“It’s probably one reason you are where you find yourself now.”

“You really are insightful. Thom had the emotional range of a nailhead. Where did you—”

“My mother. When my dad was alive, he sometimes took jobs away from home for weeks, even months. My mom raised us kids with a lot of love and understanding. My brother and I would sometimes exclude our little sister. Not on purpose, but Noah and I wanted to play with balls and trucks and bugs. Samaria wanted to play with dresses, dolls, and finger paints. Whenever we had disagreements, Mom would always make us explain ourselves to whomever we squabbled with. They would be expected to do the same. It made me think about why I felt the way I felt.”

“You knew you would be asked.”

“Yep. And I also had to listen to someone else’s perspective, try to understand it, and compromise. That’s the way everything worked in my house. I think being the middle kid, the brunt of that fell on me. At the time, I hated it, but it’s served me well over the years. Since you and I have been talking, I’ve listened and tried to hear your side of the breakup, understand what wasn’t working for you, and come up with solutions.”

“What did you decide?”

I shake my head. “It’s not for me to decide. I have suggestions. But we both have to agree.”

“Or they’re pointless.” Masey nods, the motion sending moonlight gleaming off her dark hair. “That makes sense. When one person tries to run the show…”

“That’s the only person who ends up happy. So you and I both have to promise that we’ll go into our night together with open minds, in good faith. No holding back. No playing games. No agendas other than mutual pleasure.”

“I can’t argue with that.”

“Good. This is where you need to be honest—with me and yourself. Are you ready to do that?”

She takes a deep breath. I sense her soul searching. She’s taking this seriously, and I commend that…until she nibbles on that lip again. It makes me hard and drives me to distraction.

I’ve done my best to be as academic about tonight as I can be, but she’s so fucking gorgeous. I’m already imagining what’s under her clothes and how much access she’ll grant me once they’re gone. Will she blush pink when I stare at her? Turn rosy as she nears climax? Is she a moaner? A screamer? A discreet glance tells me she has pretty painted fingernails I’m hoping she’ll dig into my back as she gets close…

“I have to try. Really try. Otherwise, I’m wasting your time and doing us both a disservice.”


“And who knows when this kind of opportunity will come around again?”

When someone else will be the lucky guy in her bed?

It’s a knee-jerk reaction, but the whole question pisses me off. We haven’t even kissed yet, and I’m already feeling as if I’ll fuck up the first asshole who dares to put his hands on her, much less play games that mess with her head.

Chill, buddy. She’s not yours.

“Maybe tomorrow.” I force myself to shrug.

She sends me a reproving stare. “Probably never. I mean, you’re available. You seem honest and understanding. You’re my best friend’s brother-in-law, and she says you’re a great guy. That goes a long way with me…”

That’s the kind of language someone uses to describe a dependable used car, not someone you want to get hot, sweaty, and deep into pleasure with.

“If you’re not attracted to me, this won’t work.” It kills me to even suggest that maybe I’m not the guy she needs tonight. All signs have pointed to yes, and I Copyright 2016 - 2024