Of Moons and Monsters - Willow Hadley Page 0,116

or if she were killed. So, I can fully understand Mal’s guilt.

“What realm is she from?” I ask gruffly. She can’t go back to her old life, but we can at least help her find closure. Help reunite her with Alistair.

“Please, Guardian Reule,” Amias begs. “I’m not permitted to—”

I cut him off with a snarl and use my unnatural speed to bring myself face to face with him in a flash. He gasps in fear, and I pin him to the wall at his back by his throat.

“I didn’t ask what you were or weren’t permitted to do. I asked for the name of my wife’s home realm. If you don’t tell me, I have absolutely no qualms about killing you, Amias. Your status means nothing. You purchased my wife and treated her like an animal, preened about her qualities like she’s a trophy to have won for your kingdom, and you refuse to admit to the injustice of it all.”

His face turns an ugly shade of purple before he finally gives in, choking out the name of the realm on a gasping breath.

I’m only mildly satisfied when I leave the castle grounds to go looking for Isla and Audun. Maalik will be glad to hear the information I’ve learned, and it gives us a better chance of figuring out our next step. I can’t get over my guilt and self-loathing though. Not only for Isla’s sake, but for being forced to prove I’m the monster everyone knows me to be.

Amias deserved punishment for his part in Isla’s suffering, but it still doesn’t bring me any pleasure to harm an Elder. They’re supposed to be good. They’re supposed to protect our kingdom and our people with their knowledge and light magic.

I head toward the main street of the city where most of the best shops are located. Audun wanted to take Isla to pick out paints after her dress appointment. When I get closer, I track them by their scent. I’m surprised to find Isla and Audun sitting outside a bustling café with Dushan.

Her eyes find mine before the others do, and she stands up with a bright smile on her face. “Reule!”

A grin takes over my face, and my heart feels as though it might burst from happiness at seeing her. The mark on my wrist tingles pleasantly as I open my arms, and she runs to me and allows me to lift her up against my chest.

She kisses me, and I purr in elated surprise. My dark thoughts evaporate until I only have room to feel love and happiness at being able to call this woman my wife.

“You weren’t gone nearly as long as I thought you’d be,” Audun says when I set Isla down.

She grabs my hand and leads me to their table. Instead of taking the empty seat across from hers, I sit beside Audun and pull Isla into my lap. She relaxes against me as I wrap my arms around her waist and rest my chin on her shoulder.

“I got the information we were after,” I say vaguely, glancing across the table at the dressmaker’s assistant. Well, former assistant, I suppose. “What are you all doing? I thought you were going to look at paint.”

“We will,” Audun says. “Isla wanted to shop for some beauty products, and Dushan made some suggestions. We decided to stop for an early lunch while we discuss the details of his contract.”

Before I can ask, Isla leans forward and reaches into a shopping bag near my feet. She pulls out a large, round light stone and babbles excitedly. I raise my eyebrows in confusion, doing my best to understand her.

“It’s to dry her hair after bathing,” Dushan chuckles. “Guardian Audun told me you’re not very familiar with some of the more modern trends for women. I helped Lady Isla choose some makeup too.”

I turn my head to take a closer look at my wife. I feel stupid for not noticing right away, but she has done something to her eyes to make her lashes longer and thicker. Her lips are a vibrant red color too, making them look even more inviting than usual.

“Very beautiful.” I growl and brush my thumb over her bottom lip. She bites my finger playfully, her tongue darting out. My cock hardens, and I quickly look away from Isla before I do something insane like claim her right here on this table.

Audun snorts, and Dushan grins wickedly at me. He doesn’t seem offended at our public

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