Moon Child (The Year of the Wolf #2) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,95

any other I’d ever endured, but it was nothing to the pain in my heart.

Putting pressure on the wound, I started sobbing, started bawling and watched as my tears dripped onto my panting mate’s belly. I peered up at the moon, trying to assimilate the knowledge I had, to figure out how to save him, but instead, I could only do one thing.

“Mother! Please help me! Kali Sara, please help!”

When I heard Sabina call out, “Please, Mother, help her! Please, Kali Sara, help her!” I wanted to sob with thanks, wanted to hug Sabina and bless her for her ever-generous spirit. She had to know that her mates were in danger, but she pleaded with the Mother for me. For my mate.

“What is it, child?”

The voice boomed in my head, and I knew where it came from—the moon.

It was still heavy and pendulant, still full, and its aura still weeping into the night sky.

I’d done that.

I’d stopped time to make the battle come to an end. I’d used it to call Jana out, to bring her forth, because I’d known she was behind it. But equally, I’d called Sabina out. That was by accident, but I should have known she was integral to the night’s proceedings.

Proceedings that had only taken place for one reason.

My ascension.

When Todd had made me choose, though I’d had no real idea of what I was getting myself into, I’d accepted his kiss.

Just the memory of his mouth on mine, delicate at first, soft nips that showed his teasing side, tender pecks here and there, little lashes of his tongue, all of it gentle and cherishing, had made me realize I was so much more to him than I could ever know.

I only recognized that now.

His kiss offered the fox marble, a bead of knowledge that I had to swallow. It had felt like I was deep-throating his balls, because that fox marble was pretty frickin’ big, but the way he’d started our first kiss?

Infinitely tender.

Filled with a loving adoration I’d never had in my life before, that I could never have known I’d experience.

He’d teased my lips into parting, before he’d kissed me with a tenderness I couldn’t bear. I’d tilted my head to the side, getting a better angle, loving how it made his nose and mine brush together, how there’d been no space between us as his hands came to my waist so he could move me into him tighter, and finally, he’d let me feel his tongue against mine.

He’d thrust into me, like he was mimicking sex, and as my heart started to pound, as my being started to expand to encompass the feelings he inspired in me, I’d groaned, reached down, and grabbed his ass, my body undulating against his as I reacted to what he made me feel.

With a groan, he’d started to thrust into me faster, until I was breathing his air and he was breathing mine.

And then I’d felt it.

Where the fuck it had come from, I had no idea. But it was there, in my mouth, and he pulled away just in time for me not to gag, and had said, “Swallow it.”

Before I could ask him how the hell I was supposed to swallow something whole that was the size of a peach, I recognized it wasn’t actually solid. It was energy. It still made me panic, though, but I’d done it. I’d managed to swallow the bead of light, and he’d urged, “Look at the moon. Look at it and nothing else until you feel it.”

I couldn’t even ask what I was supposed to be feeling, I just obeyed. I tipped my head up to the sky, and he’d made the moment perfect—he’d moved behind me, my spine coming to rest against his belly, the back of my head coming to rest on his shoulder as I tilted it slightly so I could relax in the angle of his throat.

Together, we’d looked at the moon, and even though I hadn’t known what was coming, I’d just been aware that I’d never forget this moment, not for as long as I’d live.

I loved the night sky, but it was even more beautiful with Todd at my back.

I’d just appreciated the moment until, with the power of an open book clapping shut, a book the size of the Earth and with the weight of it too, everything had changed.

Like a boom inside my head, I recognized things I never had before.

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