Moon Child (The Year of the Wolf #2) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,14

my family could. I think my great grandmother had the gift, but I didn’t. I never had it. So that’s why it’s unusual for me to have this same repetitive dream.”

“Aren’t they just nightmares? I have them too. Where I’m running and running and running, just never able to stop running, and I wake up feeling more exhausted than when I went to sleep.”

Ethan snorted. “That probably says a lot about you, Austin.”

I glowered at him. “What crawled up your ass today, butthead?”

He didn’t say a word, just carried on cooing at Knight in between pissing me off.

Jerk face.

We’d been getting on better since we’d claimed Sabina, but that didn’t mean we weren’t averse to ramming heads every now and then.

Now, instead of bickering every day, we went at least every two days.

Might not have seemed like much of an improvement, but it was something. Better than nothing at any rate.

I grumbled under my breath at him, then queried, “Well? Is it that kind of dream?”

She shook her head. “No. I’ve had those before. This is different. It’s so real. It’s tangible. I feel like if I don’t get to the creature in time, if I don’t stop them in time, then it will reach me and kill me.”

“At first,” Ethan intoned calmly, but his gaze was concerned as it touched our mate, “I told her it was very natural. A part of pregnancy, in fact. While I was reading up on things, I found that most women have very lucid dreams during the early trimesters. Very peculiar ones, and they’re just founded in the fluctuating hormones that are bombarding their systems. But when she persisted in having them, I knew they were different too, but I have no idea why that might be.”

“Do you think they’re dangerous?” Eli asked, his voice husky with his concern as he settled his ass on the dining table.

He was a braver man than me, because to me, it looked like it was going to fucking break under his weight. Instead, the antique piece of shit just groaned and absorbed the extra pounds.

Ethan shrugged. “I’d say not, because how can a dream be dangerous? But equally, Sabina’s instincts are very strong. Incredibly strong, in fact. Plus, she leads with them. They take her where she needs to be, and I have a feeling that even if she doesn’t recognize it, every step she takes is leading her in a direction she’s destined to reach.”

Sabina released a shaky breath. “Kali Sara, Ethan. You say stuff like that, and it gives me the willies.”

“I can help you there,” I teased, and watched her smile bloom and blossom on her face like the first spring flowers come April.

“Thank you, mate,” she whispered into my mind, and I registered that my place, my humor, was vital to her because with these fucking sourpusses around the table, she’d never get any jokes that would put her mind at rest.

I shrugged but didn’t say anything, because my brothers were sniffing their disapproval at my ill-placed humor. I didn’t give a shit, so long as she found it funny. So long as it lightened her load.

They could think I was a jackass until the cows came home, but after that, they could go fuck themselves.

“But it’s true,” Ethan carried on. “Sabina, you keep on doing things that make no real sense, and it turns out for the best. I think we need to have faith in you. If you say that you have a bad feeling about this situation, then it’s for a reason, and we need to act accordingly and with due caution.”

“Which means not sending down the pack enforcer and Sabina’s mate into the heart of that trouble,” Eli finished, shooting me a pointed look.

“If you’d said that from the fucking start, I wouldn’t have said shit,” I snapped. “Don’t make out like I’m being unreasonable because I don’t like having things kept from me.”

“You think I do?” Eli growled, his shoulders bunching as his anger started to flood the room with a powerful scent.

Any other shifter in the vicinity would have ducked their heads, rounded their shoulders, some might have even bared their necks, but unfortunately for my big brother…we were just as strong as him and we weren’t afraid of him.

Not even Sabina, who was definitely not alpha, who was in a league of her own, squirmed in her seat.

And neither did Knight.

Mother wept. What the hell kind of kid was he going to be if he Copyright 2016 - 2024