Moon Child (The Year of the Wolf #2) - Serena Akeroyd Page 0,120

held out her hand, and Austin stopped licking her clit to glance at me, before he went back to something far more interesting.

I didn’t blame him. We’d all been rubbing each other up the wrong way during Sabina’s milk moon, and after the attack, I’d been a little harder on him than before. He’d made up for his idiocy when it had come time to interrogate the hyenas, but still, even though I gave him shit, I was grateful he wouldn’t have the same memories I did.

As I walked over to her, I started to strip off. There was no artifice here. No coyness. No need for shyness either.

When I was naked, I got to my knees at her side, before I lay down and tipped my head toward her. She smiled, her eyes dazed with electricity that came from my brother’s ministrations, and I wanted to groan at the sight of her pleasure.

I loved that she owned her sexuality, that she reveled in it. It filled me with a joy that couldn’t be contained, and I took advantage of it at that moment, kissing her as she was half-drunk with a passion my brother had stirred in her.

She was gentle, exploring, hungry but not ravenous, and it was exactly what I needed. Her tongue slipping against mine, her mouth nibbling and tasting me. We breathed the same air, took cleansing breaths together, before she was all I could focus on, all I could see and hear.

My dick was hard, and every now and then, she’d gasp as Austin rocked her world, but I knew that, even as he helped her toward lift off, I kept her grounded too. Her base. Just like she was mine.

Austin stirred us into action when he moved off her. I half expected him to slide inside her, to find his way home, but he didn’t. If anything, he kissed his way up her body, stopping at her tits, giving them a kiss, before finding her throat. His head was so close to mine we could have knocked into each other, but we didn’t.

It was too perfect for that. Too inherently choreographed.

It was then, I knew, we were made for these moments.

We’d shared a womb. We’d shared a miserable childhood. We’d shared the highs and the lows, and we shared a mate and a son. But this? Something else for us to share.

To take our woman together.

For the first time, I resented the knot. The pressure of him squeezing into her ass while I took her pussy was something that would forever be denied to us. One wrong move on her part, or one right one, I guessed, could have us coming, have the knot forging inside her, and I had no desire to get my ear chewed off for her discovering that being knotted in the butt was not orgasmic.

Still, Austin continued to surprise me, because he moved toward her mouth, splitting her attention. I’d never know how, and could only think it was instinct, but as he kissed her too, his tongue tangling with hers, ours never touched.

It was like a magnet kept us apart, like it kept us away from one another, but Sabina? Mother, the way she responded to his joining us was impossible to deny.

Her hand moved from where she’d placed it on my belly, and I just knew it was heading down south. Just fucking knew it.

I opened my eyes, saw my guess was right, and found nothing surprising about her touching herself.

Hungry now for more, I rolled onto my back, pulling away, whispering, “Help me?”

He didn’t give me shit, not like he could have done. But just pulled away before he began coaxing her to turn on her side before he shifted her onto my lap.

She stared at me with hungry eyes, and I smiled at her, reaching down to carry on teasing her clit for her as she bit her lip, watching Austin as he moved too.

He got to his feet, making her gaze flash with hunger, and when her position put her at the same height as his dick, I knew we could enjoy this at least in one way.

I thrust a finger into her, testing for a readiness I could already feel on my dick, but as I tugged downward, her hips rocked back, and she surged up, reached down for my cock, and slotted it home. Her eyelids fluttered shut as she took all of me, not stopping until I could feel her labia Copyright 2016 - 2024