Moon Called - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,89

house or mine, and stopped because Darryl was all but vibrating with his need to ask questions.

"Why did they take Jesse?" he asked, as soon as I quit speaking.

"Warren tells me there haven't been any ransom calls," Adam said. He'd begun pacing sometime during my story. I couldn't see any sign he'd ever been hurt, but I suspect some of that was acting; an Alpha never admits weakness in front of the pack. "I've been thinking about it, but I honestly don't know. One of the wolves who came to my house was someone I once knew-thirty years ago. We were both turned at the same time. His experience was... harrowing, because he Changed without help." I saw several of the wolves wince. "He might bear a grudge because of it, but thirty years is a long time to wait if revenge is the only reason for taking Jesse."

"Does he belong to a pack?" Mary Jo asked from the back of the room. Mary Jo was a firefighter with the Kennewick FD. She was small, tough-looking, and complained a lot because she had to pretend to be weaker than all the men on her team. I liked her.

Adam shook his head. "David is a lone wolf by choice. He doesn't like werewolves."

"You said they had humans with them, and new wolves," Warren said.

Adam nodded, but I was still thinking about the lone wolf. What was a man who had been a lone wolf for thirty years doing running in a pack of new wolves? Had he Changed them himself? Or were they victims like Mac had been?

Samuel laid his muzzle on my knee, and I petted him absently.

"You said they used silver nitrate, DMSO, and Ketamine," said Auriele, the chemistry teacher. "Does that mean they have a doctor working for them? Or maybe a drug pusher? Ketamine isn't as common as meth or crack, but we see it in the high school now and then."

I straightened up. "A doctor or a vet," I said. Beside me Samuel stiffened. I looked at him. "A vet would have access to all of those, wouldn't he, Samuel?"

Samuel growled at me. He didn't like what I was thinking.

"Where are you going with this?" asked Adam, looking at Samuel, though he was talking to me.

"Dr. Wallace," I said.

"Carter is in trouble because he can't accept being a werewolf, Mercy. It is too violent for him, and he'd rather die than be what we are. Are you trying to say that he is involved in a plot where young wolves are held in cages while experiments are performed upon them? Have you ever heard what he has to say about the animal experimentation and the cosmetics industry?"

For a moment I was surprised Adam knew so much about Dr. Wallace. But I knew from the reactions of the people in Aspen Creek that Adam had spent time there. I suppose it only made sense that he would know about Dr. Warren's troubles. From the murmurs around us, the rest of the pack didn't, though.

Adam stopped arguing with me to explain to everyone who Dr. Wallace was. It gave me time to think.

"Look," I said when he'd finished. "All these chemicals for the drug they shot you with are readily available-but who would think to combine them and why? Who would want to be able to tranquilize a werewolf? Dr. Wallace is in danger of losing control-I saw it myself this week. He is worried about his family. He wouldn't have developed a way to administer drugs to werewolves in order to kidnap Jesse, but he might have developed a tranquilizer for people to use on him-in case he lost all control, and his wolf attacked someone."

"Maybe," Adam said slowly. "I'll call Bran tomorrow and have him ask Dr. Wallace about it. No one can lie to Bran."

"So what do they stand to gain with Jesse?" Darryl asked. "Money seems ridiculous at this point. It seems that this attack was directed at the Columbia Basin Pack's Alpha rather than at Adam Hauptman, businessman."

"Agreed." Adam frowned at him. "Possibly someone wants control of the pack? There isn't much I would not do for my daughter."

Control of the pack or control of Adam, I wondered, and is there a difference between the two?

"Whoever it is and whatever they want, we should know before dawn. We know where they are staying," I said, reaching into the pocket of my jeans and pulling out the paper the vampires had given me and Copyright 2016 - 2024