Moon Called - By Patricia Briggs Page 0,79

He struck at Samuel's bleeding neck.

Marsilia jerked her vampire off, leaving torn skin where his fangs had already locked onto flesh. Without visible effort or emotion, she tossed him into the nearest wall. Plaster flew, but he bounced to his feet with a snarl that died as soon as he saw who had thrown him the second time.

"Out, my dears." I noticed that the burn mark on her forehead was healing. "Out before we lose all honor, overcome by such sweetness as is laid out here before us like a tempting feast."

I'd gotten my sheep out finally, but before it started glowing we were alone, Stefan, Samuel, and I.
Chapter 11
There was an elevator hidden behind one of the doors in the corridor. Stefan leaned wearily against the wall; he carried Samuel, who was bloodstained, limp, but still breathing.

"You're sure he's all right?" I asked, not for the first time.

"He'll not die of it," he said, which was not quite the same thing.

The elevator came to a smooth stop, and the doors slid open to reveal a kitchen. Bright lights gleamed on bird's-eye maple cabinetry and creamy stone countertops. There were no windows, but a clever use of mirrors and backlit stained-glass panels made up for the lack. Next to the refrigerator was something I was a lot more interested in, an outside door. I didn't wait for Stefan, but opened the door and ran out to the manicured lawn. As I sucked in a shaky breath of air that smelled of dust and exhaust rather than vampires, I realized that I'd come out of the main house.

"The houses are connected by the tunnels," I said, as Stefan came down the back steps.

"There's no time to talk," grunted Stefan.

I looked at him and saw that he was struggling with Samuel's weight.

"I thought vampires were strong enough to upend trees," I said.

"Not after Marsilia gets finished with them," said Stefan. He shifted Samuel, trying to get a better grip.

"Why not a fireman's carry?" I asked.

"Because I don't want to be carrying him that way when he starts waking up-he's not going to be a happy wolf. This way I can put him down and get out of the way if I need to."

"I'll carry him," said a stranger's voice.

Stefan turned with a snarl and, for the first time ever, I saw his fangs, white and sharp in the night.

Another vampire stood near us, wearing jeans and one of those white, piratey shirts, open to the waist, that you see at Renaissance Fairs and Errol Flynn movies. It didn't look good on him. His shoulders were too narrow, and his flat stomach just looked cadaverous rather than sexy-or maybe I'd just had enough of vampires that night.

"Peace, Stefan." The vampire held up a hand. "Marsilia thought you could use some help."

"You mean she didn't want Dr. Cornick to be here when he came out of the Kiss's hold." Stefan relaxed a little. "All right."

They transferred Samuel from one vampire to the other-the newcomer apparently wasn't suffering from Stefan's worries because he lifted the werewolf over his shoulder.

The night was quiet, but there was a waiting quality to it that I recognized from the hunt. Someone was watching us-big surprise. None of us talked as we made our way through the garden and out the main gates, which someone had propped open while we had been inside.

I slid the door of the van open and pointed to the long bench seat. The pirate-clad vampire pulled Samuel off his shoulder and put him on the far backseat. I decided that much strength was creepier in vampires than it was in werewolves-at least the wolves looked like people who should be strong.

With Samuel safely stowed, the vampire turned directly to me.

"Mercedes Thompson," he said. "My mistress thanks you for your visit, which has allowed us to discover problems that otherwise might have gone unnoticed. She also thanks you for allowing her to keep her honor and that of her vassal, Stefano Uccello." He saw the skepticism on my face and smiled. "She said that she'd never been repulsed by a sheep before. Crosses, scriptures, and holy water, but not a sheep."

"The lamb of God," explained Stefan. He was looking almost like his usual self, with one elbow propped against the door of the van. "I didn't think it would work either. Otherwise, of course, I would have told her to give it to Estelle."

"Of course." The other vampire gave me another quick, charming smile. "In any Copyright 2016 - 2024