To the Moon and Back - Melissa Brayden Page 0,48

it with some kind of dramatic twist not indicated in the script. My costars wanted to throttle me.”

“But knowing you, I’m going to predict they didn’t.”

Carly set down her glass mug. “No. People let me get away with too much.”

Lauren appreciated the self-awareness that came with that statement. The Carly of just a month ago would not have been so quick to admit that. “You’re lucky, if you think about it.”

“Yes, but maybe I’ve ridden that train as far as I should. It seems to have done damage.” She sat back in her chair. They’d each had a glass of wine earlier in the evening, which had helped relax them into easy conversation. There was a flirtatiousness flitting between them every so often, too, that seemed to elevate everything. Lauren’s senses were on high alert. She could feel the air against her skin, smell the amazing aromas wafting in from the kitchen, and appreciate small things like the purple ribbon tied around the candle on their table.

“I think you’re doing an admirable job of turning it all around, though. Maybe that will extend to your career back home as well.”

“That’s my hope.”

Lauren met Carly’s gaze. “I really like tonight,” Lauren confessed.

Carly leaned in and squeezed Lauren’s hand across the table. “Me, too.”

Lauren stole a bite of the cheesecake they shared and sank into glory. Clearly, it was sent from an army of angels on a mission from heaven. “Oh, Carly. Here. You gotta try this.”

“Yeah?” Carly asked. She had this way of smiling sometimes that was actually more half a smile. One side of her mouth would pull, revealing the dimple on her right cheek, and it was the sexiest thing. Lauren had seen it at rehearsal, midscene, but seeing it now for her benefit came with a whole new level of appreciation. Lauren couldn’t resist. She prepped her fork with another bite and held it out to Carly, who smiled and moved in. Watching her eat that decadent dessert was downright erotic. Her lips pulled away from the fork slowly, and she sank into wonder and enjoyment once the cheesecake hit her taste buds. Lauren blinked, imagining her in the throes of another brand of pleasure, which made her uncomfortable in her own chair.

“Amazing,” Carly said and dabbed her mouth with her cloth napkin.

“It really was.” They stared at each other, and Lauren swore the temperature in the room doubled.

“I didn’t get to see much of your place,” Carly said, finally. Lauren was an adult and knew the implication. She didn’t hop into bed easily and wasn’t sure she was ready, even with the surprising feelings she already had for Carly. Okay, the lust factor wasn’t helping her keep a clear head, either. Carly must have picked up on her hesitation. “But we can just hang out. I don’t want you to think that I’m trying to seduce you.”

“I like you a lot. Let me emphasize the a lot part.”

Carly grinned. God, she had the best smile when she responded to something that made her genuinely happy. This particular smile was different than the others, the ones that were polite, or friendly, or fun-loving. “I like you, too. I want to keep liking you.”

“Then, yes, come see my place, and hang out,” Lauren said.

Their bill arrived and Carly snatched it up. “I’d like to pay for this one.” She opened the leather portfolio and deflated. “Already taken care of.”

Lauren quirked an eyebrow. “They comped the check because you’re Carly Daniel? Does that happen a lot?”

Carly looked forlorn. “Yes. But I was hopeful it wouldn’t tonight, outside LA. I really wanted to buy you dinner.” Anguish flashed in her eyes. “That’s part of this.”

“This?” Lauren squinted. “You’ll have to explain.”

“You know.” Carly stared hard, like it was apparent. Finally, she lifted a shoulder. “The wooing.”

“Oh. The wooing.” A pause. Lauren frowned and had to run that by herself again. “You’re wooing me?”

“I was trying. How’s it going? Be honest.”

Just when Lauren thought Carly couldn’t get any cuter, she got an eager look on her face that made Lauren want to kiss all over it. Instead, she maintained her composure. “I suppose, on evaluation, I would say it’s going well. There were flowers, doors opened, and now an attempt at paying the bill. Yes, now I can see the wooing quite clearly.”

Carly leaned in. “Sorry for the epic check failure. Next time, it’s on me. Trust me. I’m good for it.”

Lauren nearly spat out her Baileys. “I’ve heard that somewhere. Oh Copyright 2016 - 2024