Monsters' Gift (Crude Hill High #2) - Sam Crescent Page 0,30


He reached into his pocket and I didn’t know what I expected him to give me, but it certainly wasn’t a knife. “For your protection.”

I took it, about to thank him, but he was already gone.

Piercing a piece of fruit, I took a bite, not tasting it.

Why give me a knife? Was it not safe for me to return? I didn’t like not having all the answers, and right now, I felt like I was in the dark. Rather than finish my breakfast, I got up, taking my coffee and leaving the dining room.

I would’ve helped clear the table, but past experience taught me that people had jobs to do. I remembered helping and my father catching me once back home. Rather than punish me, I had to watch as he whipped the young girl who’d been working for us. She hadn’t been able to sit down for a couple of weeks because of the beating. The guilt had consumed me whenever I looked at her. One day, she did disappear. I only hoped that she’d found some peace. I suspected my father killed her, but I liked to live on the edge of disillusion. It was a nice place.

Stepping out of the dining room, I paused as I looked at the soldier at the door, complete with a gun. A knife couldn’t compete with his weapon, besides, I didn’t want to kill anyone.

Rather than bug Caleb, which was what I wanted to do—I wanted to piss him off and annoy him, but instead, I found myself wandering the walls of his family home. It was a big, lavish house, complete with so much art and fancy shit. It wasn’t a house, but a museum of dick measuring.

I discovered a library, another large dining room, complete with a bigger table, which I assumed was for entertaining. A games room, several other rooms, and I entered the back, coming to a stop when I saw it was a large greenhouse. The moment I stepped inside, the warmth consumed me, and the smells of the plants and the earth were heady.

Keeping a hold of my knife, I stepped through the foliage, seeing plants labeled. I reached out and I touched a single rose on a bush. It was a bright red, almost like the color of blood. Stroking the petal, I took a quick step back when I heard a noise.

Like a scuffling sound. My heart raced as I felt it coming in close.

Sliding the blade open, I went in for the attack as arms wrapped around my waist. I was suddenly lifted in the air and slammed to the ground. I didn’t allow myself time to think, I attacked. Pressing the blade to an arm, I heard a sudden hiss. I tried to get to my feet, only to be pushed to the ground again. This time, whoever it was that had me trapped straddled me. I wriggled and the blade was knocked out of my hands.

My arms were pushed out, and I was spread out before whoever this was, only to come to a stop when I finally caught the face of my attacker.

I was panting.



He was distracted enough that I knocked him off me and got to my feet. I grabbed my knife and stared at him.

This was the hothead from high school. The love child with an attitude problem. Only as I stared at him now, he didn’t look like a giant mess or a statistic waiting to happen.

He was cleanly shaven. Dressed in a suit. Composed.

“Well, well, well, I heard the rumor you were back, but I didn’t believe it.”

“What are you doing here?”

He clapped his hands. “That’s right. You’ve been gone. You don’t know the latest. I work here.”

“You’re a gardener?”

He burst out laughing.

“He works for us,” Caleb said, drawing my attention behind me.

“I’m sorry about putting my hands on your woman,” Drake said. “I saw someone trespassing and I know how protective you are of this place. I was just doing my job.”

“Thank you. You may leave.”

“You’re looking good, Emily. Damn, if only I’d gotten my hands on you in high school.”

“I would have slit your throat,” I said.

“That just turns me on.” He winked as he left.

I couldn’t quite believe what I’d just seen.

I turned toward Caleb.

“Drake. Seriously? You hired him?”

“He’s loyal.”

“He’s a piece of shit.”

“People change.”

“You do remember the same guy in high school, right? The one with the serious problems?”

Caleb chuckled. “We have been able to channel his issues into something more Copyright 2016 - 2024