The Monster's Caress - S.E. Smith Page 0,93

hurt her,” the young dragon-shifter said.

“Stay back,” Asahi ordered.

The girl ignored him, stepped forward, and carefully uncovered the woman. He glanced at Nali and then at Xyrie, who was glowing.

“She won’t hurt you,” the girl said, helping the woman sit up.

“Who are you?” Nali whispered, staring at the young adolescent.

“Her name is Phoenix,” the golden woman responded. “She came to help me. You heard my plea,” she said with a smile.

“Aminta?” Xyrie murmured with concern, stepping forward.

“Xyrie, wait! This may be another trick,” Nali warned, holding her arm out.

“No. The alien is finally dead. I’m no longer infected,” Aminta said, rising to her feet with Phoenix’s help.

“How can we be sure?” Asahi asked.

Aminta smiled at Phoenix and then looked at Asahi. She shimmered, turning almost transparent. When she held out her hand, there was something in it.

“The Goddess’s Mirror!” Nali exclaimed.

“A gift given long ago to the Empress of the Monsters to help her watch over and protect the Seven Kingdoms,” Aminta said, holding out the mirror to Nali.

Nali lowered her sword and took the mirror. In its reflection, Asahi could see Aminta giving the mirror to the first Empress of Monsters. The image shifted, and he saw Aminta watching over the creatures living in the Seven Kingdoms with the pride and joy of a loving parent. He looked at Xyrie when she spoke.

“Aminta is an ancient. She is among the few of our kind who still remain from the creation of time. When we thought she was destroyed, we vowed to do what we could to protect this world,” Xyrie confessed.

“Why didn’t you tell me? Why didn’t you help us?” Nali exclaimed in shock.

Aminta shook her head. “It would be easy for us to solve the problems of all the realms we have created, but it would also be a disservice. We learned long ago that after we give birth to new worlds, it is best to restrict our presence as much as possible. I was visiting Valdier when I was attacked and severely weakened. I am sorry that this abomination used me against you,” she said.

“My family defeated the man who hurt you,” Phoenix reassured her. “I overheard them talking about it. My Grandma was there too, of course, ‘cause she helps care for the river of symbiots. She’s the Priestess of the Hive,” Phoenix informed the residents of the Seven Kingdoms.

“The river… I saw what happened,” Asahi quietly replied. He looked at Phoenix. “But she called you to help defeat the alien?” he said.

“Yep!” Phoenix smiled at him. “My mom is human like you, but my dad is from Valdier. Stardust is a symbiot. She’s made from the same energy as Aminta. I think that’s how I got the message.”

The next question on Asahi’s lips died when the ground trembled. Nali readied her sword while Phoenix shifted into a dragon and literally disappeared before his eyes. When he heard trees cracking and splitting, his first thought was that yet another part of the alien must have found them, so he was very relieved to hear Ashure’s loud voice carrying through the trees.

“Koorgan, do you even know what the definition of stealth is? Sea Monkeys are quieter than you, and everyone knows how loud and annoying those damn things are!” Ashure complained.

“Believe me, I know. You put a whole shipload of the damn things in my bedroom on my wedding night,” Koorgan’s deep voice growled.

“What are you…?” Ashure exclaimed. “Koorgan, don’t you dare…. Orion! Damn it! Get me out of this tree!”

“It is amazing that those two have survived this long,” Xyrie observed with an amused sigh.

Phoenix’s giggle drew Asahi’s attention. She had reappeared and was looking at him with eyes shining in delight.

“They sound just like my family when we all get together,” Phoenix giggled. “I better go home now. I have a feeling that I’m going to be grounded for a long, long time.”

“I will escort you home, child,” Aminta said.

Phoenix shyly nodded. “That would be cool. Do you know Aikaterina? She—” Aminta, Phoenix, and the oversized golden Basset Hound passed through the Gateway as if they were going for a stroll in the park, and the sound of their conversation was cut off as the Gateway closed behind them.

Koorgan, Orion, and the others—excluding Ashure, who was still yelling—appeared out of the forest.

“Where is the alien?” Koorgan growled.

“It was destroyed,” Nali said with a grin.

“For good this time?” Gem inquired, solidifying next to Ross.

“For good,” Nali replied.

“What about you, Asahi? Are you… alright?” Ross asked, looking Copyright 2016 - 2024