A Monster's Beauty (In the Arms of Monsters #3) - Sam Crescent Page 0,32

the club stay permanently away from the house so she could have a normal life.

After leaving the bedroom, she made it to the stairs only to scream as two men she’d never seen before ran upstairs. She ran away, trying to go to the bathroom, but they grabbed her by the hair, pulling her back and slamming her against the wall, knocking her out.


Pain exploded as Robin opened her eyes to find herself tied up, her hands bound in front of her. She looked around but the pain in her head made her want to throw up.

“Well, well, well, look who’s awake. I have to say I thought you’d be out of it all day, and we couldn’t have that.”

“Please,” she said, her voice scratchy. “Let me go.”

“No, I’m not done with you yet. You see, I’m going to have fun with you.” He used the tip of his blade to run down her cheek and she sobbed as he got to her neck. “So pretty. I’ve got to have a taste.”

He moved between her thighs and it was then she realized her feet were tied, her legs spread open, and the skirt she wore was no protection against this man.

As he climbed on, she screamed.

“Go ahead. It just turns me on even more.” He pressed his cock against her core and she gagged.

This didn’t stop him though. Even as she begged him to stop and tried to fight. He didn’t finish until he was done.


The hours passed and the pain was more than Robin could bear. His men took turns to torture her, but the leader, whoever he was, he was the only one to rape her.

They smashed her foot with a hammer, and one man snapped her wrist. They punched and repeatedly kicked her, urinated on her, and when they probably thought she was close to death, they’d leave her shivering with no way to escape.

She thought she could take anything thrown at her. Whenever she felt like giving up, she’d think of Preacher. If she’d been with him, no one would have dared to even approach her.

Was it because of Preacher’s power she was attracted to him?

No, she was thinking about Preacher because she missed him. The only reason she was staying with Reaper was because of Bethany, and there was the guilt. Something she didn’t want to acknowledge. There was no real competition with her feelings. There was only one man she cared about. One man she loved more than any other, and he was gone, lost to her.

She wondered what he’d do if he saw her now. Would he help or would he let the men finish the job?

Robin started to sob. The intense need to give up was so tangible, it was hard to ignore.



You’ve got to keep on fighting.

You’ve got to get back to them.

Just then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw a shard of glass. They’d left her, covered in urine on the floor, and they hadn’t cleaned the room. Even as pain flooded her body and all she wanted to do was pass out, she crawled across the floor and grabbed it.

The men were only ever in the room two at a time, at most. Usually, it was just one of them, and they closed the door. Looking around the room, she saw the exit through the window. If they were on the first floor or ground floor, she had a chance.

No matter the pain in her body and the crushing within her soul, she had to get up and do what needed to be done.

Settling on the floor, she closed her eyes and waited.

Could she do it?

This was going to be her only chance.

The door opened and she prayed only one man entered.

As if someone was looking down on her, the door opened and she heard only one voice. The door closed and she was alone.

“Now, now, the boss, he’s not here right now, but I’ve got a thing for broken and bruised women. They turn me on and make me want to fuck like you couldn’t believe.”

Tears spilled down her cheeks. There was no time for her to panic.

She heard the belt as it opened, and as he came closer, she held the glass within her fist. This was going to be her only chance.

To get out.

To make it free.

To live.

When he came close, she opened her eye, and out of the corner of her peripheral vision, she saw him. Pants around his knees, vulnerable, and

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