A Monster's Beauty (In the Arms of Monsters #3) - Sam Crescent Page 0,3

her miscarriage. This bastard didn’t know what it was like to hear her screams and do nothing to help her. He didn’t know what love was.

“I’m not leaving her behind,” Reaper said.

Preacher stared at Reaper. He couldn’t help it, he burst out laughing. “Oh, my fucking God, you have got to be kidding me right now.” He’d hated Reaper for as long as he could remember. They had never been friends.

“I’m almost afraid to ask right now,” Bear said. “I’ve heard enough of dicks and orgasms to last me a lifetime. I don’t know if I can stomach much more and everything coming out of this fucker’s mouth is bullshit.”

“You’re in love with her, aren’t you?” Preacher glared at Reaper. He didn’t want to believe it was true.

“No, that’s not possible,” Bishop said. “He took her and intended to use her against you, against all of us.”

“Don’t even for a second try to get out of your part you played in this, Bishop. If it hadn’t been for you, I wouldn’t have been able to take her so easily.” Reaper chuckled.

“Yeah, and it seems the joke is on all of us, isn’t it? You fell in love with her,” Preacher said.

“What I feel for her is none of your business. I came here so Bethany could see her mother. I risked the chance of you killing me for this.”

“Does it bother you?” Preacher asked.

“Does what bother me?” For the first time since they’d seen him, Reaper looked annoyed, frustrated even.

“You took her to cause me pain. To make my life a misery and instead, you fell for her hard. I wonder what that must feel like to you,” he said. Preacher knew what it was like to fall for Robin. He’d gone hard, fast, and he hadn’t even seen it coming, but it had happened, and now there was no way for him to stop these feelings. They were part of him, and he felt utterly consumed by them. He would do anything for Robin, even entertain his enemy.

“It doesn’t matter, does it?” Reaper said. “I’ve still got Bethany. I’ve got more with Robin than you have.”

“And she’s settled now in bed, and you don’t need to keep on doing this. Competing with each other,” Robin said, drawing their attention.

Preacher looked at Robin. She appeared pale as if she was a little sick. Her gaze moved from Reaper to Preacher, then back again. She nibbled on her lip, nervousness clear on her expression. For the longest time, she didn’t speak, only looked. The tension in the air mounted as he waited for whatever she was going to say, only for nothing to happen.

“I need a drink.” She walked away and Preacher went after her. He didn’t want this to overwhelm her, or for her to think he couldn’t handle this. She was his and no matter what happened between her and Reaper, he’d support her, he’d be there for her.

Could you stay with her if she fell in love with him and wants to go back to him?

The very thought made him feel sick to his stomach. He didn’t know if he’d ever be able to handle that kind of pain.

No, he wouldn’t think about it, not yet. He’d only deal with that bullshit when it actually happened, if it ever did.

Reaper followed directly behind him. Robin didn’t go to his office for a hard drink of liquor. She went to the kitchen, opening up the fridge and taking out a bottle of water. This wasn’t what he expected.

“You know, no one would hold it against you if you had a drink,” Preacher said, offering her the bottle. He’d hold her for as long as she needed him.

She shook her head. “No, I don’t want to drink. I just, I need a minute. I haven’t wanted a drink since Milly did what she did.” She wrinkled her nose. “Wow, don’t you wish there are some memories you can always forget.” She looked toward Preacher. “You know the ones.”

He nodded.

She ran fingers through her hair. “I’m getting a headache.” She covered her face with her hands, and he watched her take several deep breaths.

“I’m here,” Preacher said.

“You need to go and lie down?” Reaper asked.

“No. A lot has happened and right now, three worlds are colliding together. I don’t have to go to sleep.”

“Three?” Bishop asked.

She dropped her hands and glared at Bishop. “Why are you still here? You’re not even wanted here.”

“I want to help,” he said.

This time, Robin was

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