A Monster's Beauty (In the Arms of Monsters #3) - Sam Crescent Page 0,28

get a lot of dirty details now?”

Robin laughed. “I wouldn’t say they’re dirty details. More like … scared feelings. When I was taken, I thought Preacher would come. Days turned into weeks, and the whole jargon of how long it took. I was always hoping he’d find me. How hard could it be? Then of course, he didn’t ever turn up and I started to lose hope. When you’re with someone for so long and your only salvation is being rescued and for that not to happen, it wears on you. He wasn’t going to come to my rescue. He didn’t care about me, and then I started to have feelings for Reaper.”

“Stockholm thing?”

“Maybe, I don’t know. We were together and I enjoyed being with him. I got pregnant and he was willing to give up the club life for me. Settle down. I know Preacher would never give up the club life for me. I don’t know if my feelings for Reaper are real, or if I’ve somehow made myself … open to him. Am I making sense? I don’t think I am. I make no sense to myself at all.”

“Yes, you’re making perfect sense, but it could also be the wine. Let me get another bottle.” Anne stumbled out of the room but she didn’t stop talking. “I guess what you’ve got to ask yourself is would you want Preacher to give up the club for you? You know it’s who he is. I’ve only heard all the rumors, but it’s part of him, and would you even want him to do something you know he’d hate to do, or risk the club being run by someone who wasn’t as good as Preacher?”

Anne came back with the open wine, pouring them both a glass.

Robin gulped the liquid down. She did it so fast, she didn’t even taste it. “I’ve known the club my entire life. I was born into it.”

“So, it’s not like it’s all new for you or anything. It’s all the same stuff. The only difference is you’re going to be with the president rather than his son. I got a bad vibe from Bishop. I don’t like him.”

“He used to be great, you know. A good friend. The best person to have around.”

“What happened?”

“To put it bluntly, he found his dick, and since then, he’s been horrible. Unbearable. I don’t know. Maybe it is just me.” She shrugged. “The wine is helping big time. There was a time when I’d do anything for him.”

“It didn’t look that way today.”

“I wanted to hurt him. To make him feel the same kind of pain he’d made me feel.” Sadness descended on her.

“Okay, so we move on. Nothing can make us moody. Let’s lighten the mood. Who’s the best in bed?”

“Seriously? You want me to talk about that?”

“I’m not getting any. I know Elijah would but, gross. I don’t even know if he bags his dick anymore. Believe me, I have no interest in sleeping with my husband. Not that he lasted all that long.” Anne laughed. “How stupid does that sound? You’ve got to help a girl out here. I bet Preacher’s a monster in the sack.”

Flashes of Preacher’s hands, his mouth, his dick, all of him wrapped around her, consuming her, filling her with all parts of him.

“He’s … amazing.”

“And Reaper?”

Thinking about Reaper made her feel guilty. She didn’t want to think about her time with him, or even what it felt like.

“You know, I think we both know who you need to pick,” Anne said.

“I’m sorry. I … I’m confused.”

“Robin, honey, that excuse isn’t going to be able to last much longer. You love Preacher and you think about him all the time. You came back to him.”

“But what if I wasn’t running to him?” she asked. Her memories had returned. She knew what happened to her when she was taken from Reaper, before she was hit by a car, but what she couldn’t seem to access was what was going on through her mind the moment the car hit her.

What was she thinking? Feeling? Did any of it matter?

“And what if you were because deep down, you’d resigned yourself to a life with a man you didn’t love but you knew there was no other chance for you? I get it, you know. Staying with a guy for the kids, and I guess I should be telling you Reaper is the guy for you. He’s Bethany’s dad, and it’s only right to have her

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