A Monster's Beauty (In the Arms of Monsters #3) - Sam Crescent Page 0,25

asked. “I’m all for hearing recent news.”

“I don’t think she wants to tell her personal business to you,” Bear said.

“It’s fine. My husband is a whore. He doesn’t get paid for it, but he sleeps around with anything that will have him.” Anne laughed. “He doesn’t like Robin, though. Probably because she shut him down firmly last night.”

“I have no interest in your husband.”

“And he does like them young,” Anne said.

“You’re not sad about that?” Bishop asked.

“I have to do what I need to do for my kids. Staying with a man I can’t stand, it’s par for the course. Haven’t you had to do something you can’t stand?” Anne asked, looking at Bishop.

This time, Robin burst out laughing.

Preacher detected the signs of hysteria. He didn’t stop Robin though. She needed to get this off her chest. “Believe me, Anne, he thinks he’s God’s gift to women, and yes, Bishop had to do a lot of stuff he didn’t like. He had to take me to the doctor’s to get my ultrasound, right? He didn’t stick around or anything. It was too painful for him to deal with.”

“You were carrying my brother or sister.”

“Sister,” Robin said. “And let me guess, it was all my fault again, huh? Yeah, Robin, the whore, she sleeps around with everyone. Getting knocked up was totally my idea. It had nothing to do with the jealousy of another woman because of you, right? No, that couldn’t be it because in the scheme of things, you’re completely blameless.”

“Fascinating,” Anne said.

“You could have gotten rid of it,” Bishop said.

“I didn’t want to. You wanted me to get rid of it and let me guess, what little Bishop wants, he gets. You’re always like this. Always have been. A spoiled little brat, and you couldn’t even handle being known as Preacher’s son. What was it you used to call yourself, PMS!”

Bishop got to his feet.

Robin did as well and Preacher followed suit.


Dog looked entertained.

This wasn’t how he wanted his dinner to go. Fuck!

“What are you going to do, Bishop? You know I’m right and now you’re back here, begging for forgiveness when the truth is this is your fault. Like a damn baby, you can’t accept responsibility for your own actions.”

“No, it’s not. If you’d spread your legs for me, this wouldn’t have been a problem. Milly was all about doing that.”

“Yeah, the very woman who decided to drug me and got me knocked up in the process. Let’s not forget about that. And there, my friends, is the truth. I refused to sleep with you, ended up knocked up by your dad, and it bugs you, doesn’t it? Why don’t you go run off? Plot some other form of revenge. You’re good with that and blaming other people for your own issues.” Robin slammed back down in her chair.

Her hand shook as she reached out for some water.

“I had no idea your family could be so entertaining,” Dog said.

“Why is he even here?” Bishop asked.

“I asked to be here. This is a debt being dealt with. It’s big boy stuff, you wouldn’t understand.”

“You’re here to have your fun,” Preacher said.

“I wasn’t the one who accepted the man who kidnapped his woman, or the son who allowed it to happen.”

“Can we stop, please?” Robin said. “This is … look, as you can clearly see, this isn’t easy for any of us and you’re going to cause a lot more trouble that’s not needed.”

“Which one do you love?” Dog asked.

She dropped her fork. “Is this guy for real?”

“I can see you have issues when it comes to the boy, and I get it. There’s an air of being spoiled around him, but your thoughts and feelings for Reaper and Preacher. What are they?”

“It’s none of your business.”

“Enough, Dog.”

“Hear me out. I know I’m hitting on touchy fucking subjects and forgive me for not being tactful, but you got her pregnant first through an act of one of your club whores. Then, through the act of your son, she was taken from you, by this man. Now, I heard through the gossip how she was found. Beaten, broken, bruised, and yet, you’re still sitting here, having dinner with them as if it was all a game. As if nothing bad happened, when we all know how fucked up all of this is. You loved Preacher and yet you’re allowing this asshole to live. Tell me how odd that sounds.”

Preacher shook his head and he saw Robin was close to breaking.


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