Monster Whisperer - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,31

us have ever seen it, but there are rumors in the pit that Demeter’s new dog burns with green fire. I thought they were just rumors until River came down here.”

Well, I didn’t think River’s dad was down here with a collar being paraded around as Demeter’s pet if he was sending people here and promising to come help.

Which meant River was onto something. Her father was probably from Hell. We needed to get Anatolia down here as soon as possible.

Chapter 22



iver made a few phone calls to Hades, and Anatolia was supposed to be coming after Hades prepped her. The only way Hades would agree to bring her was if Anatolia helped River figure out what her powers could be, but didn’t tell her what she was. He made a vow to her father, but we were way past that. Demos was about to lose his shit. He was so worried about her setting the jail on fire, but he was getting there himself.

I wasn’t looking forward to seeing Anatolia again. I got one of her signature calling cards too—a dead animal in my bed with her lipstick painting on it. I mean, I ate it, but it wasn’t fun because I didn’t get to hunt it. I had to threaten to consume her to get her to back off. I suspect Hades got involved, and that was the only reason she backed off.

After everyone ate, Hades arrived with Anatolia. Damn, she was hot. The crazy ones usually were. She had crimson hair flowing down her back, and she dressed like a Goddess. I think we’d all been a victim of one of her stalking campaigns, and if she pulled that shit with River, I really would eat her this time. I don’t care if she was God touched. No one messed with River. I was about five minutes away from eating Demos for being a dick.

She came flouncing into the room. She always flounced, even if it wasn’t a flouncing moment. Sometimes, it was only appropriate to flounce out a room, usually if you’ve maimed a man and caused all kinds of destruction. She totally ruined the art of the flounce. She did it for introductions too.

She tossed her red hair over her shoulder, and her hungry eyes took in all of us.

“Hello. I hear Hades has someone interesting for me.”

“My apartment is this way.”

River went to lead her to the apartment she had, and I wasn’t having any of that. I shot a web across the room to block Anatolia’s path.

“I don’t think so. Out here. This one leaves dead things in people’s beds.”

Every monster in the room agreed with me. Demos shot a little flame at Anatolia’s skirt, and it made me not want to eat him as much.

“Why don’t we do this out here?” River said.

Anatolia just shrugged.

“Can I get a chair? These heels are killing me.”

Hades left and came back with chairs. They sat in the middle of the hall between our cells. Hades and River were on one side, and Anatolia was on the other. Anatolia held out her hands for River to take, and I let out a little hiss. I had to resist the urge to wrap her wrists in a web.

I knew she had to touch her to get a picture, but I didn’t like the idea of another woman touching River. I was okay with the monsters here doing it, but not another woman.

River placed her hands in Anatolia’s. Anatolia’s eyes glowed white, and her head dropped back. Her hair started blowing back when she snapped her head back up.

“Where is Demeter keeping Persephone?” she asked.

“How would I know?”

“Think. You know.”

River went into a little bit of a trance. Now River’s eyes were glowing too. We all sat there with our faces against the bars waiting for something to happen.

“Near the Cocytus River in the Field of Mourning.”

“Where is the key that unlocks the collars to all the monsters?”

“Around Demeter’s neck.”

How did she know that? Had she been working with Demeter this entire time? I felt so betrayed.

“How did I do that?”

Anatolia just laughed.

“I see things about you, River. You have the ability to locate lost things if asked the right question. You will be integral to ending this.”

“So, I can talk to animals, find lost things, and set things on fire? What am I?”

Anatolia tapped her finger to her nose.

“That’s a conversation you will have to have with your father. I’m not about to get on his unpleasant Copyright 2016 - 2024