Monster Whisperer - J.B. Trepagnier Page 0,25

with you, my wife is as good as dead.”

Damn it. There had to be a way out of this. I just couldn’t see the path just yet. And why was my father so shifty? Did he not want me?

If he didn’t, why did Charley say I was precious cargo?

Chapter 17



was trying to enjoy the first proper meal I’d had in a long time while still keeping an ear out for River. I usually liked it when they put up a fight, but I was trying to make it quick tonight. River was talking to Hades, and I wanted to make sure she didn’t end up in this too deep. Unfortunately, I couldn’t say the same for Pavlina. Her food wouldn’t stop shrieking and begging. She was just showing off at this point. That man should have long been silenced with a web around his face.

The most I could make out between the screams coming from Pavlina’s cell was that Hades had contacted River’s father. I didn’t know what kind of being he was, but it must be powerful if River could talk to me like this.

She just had to be some sort of monster. Maybe her father was never killed by a demigod and didn’t end up down here with the rest of us. Perhaps he was the last living monster on Earth and found love with a human. Why he didn’t stick around and teach her how to access her powers was beyond me.

She went storming out of that cell when Hades left. Whatever was said, I didn’t want her to be alone. She just felt so good when I was touching her. The wicked man I just ate radiated dreadful things when I touched him, but he tasted delicious.

I wrapped a tentacle around her waist to stop her when she passed my pool. I wished Pavlina would just get her prey in the web already because the man was still shrieking, and I could hear her cackling like some mad spider. I just wanted to talk to River without all the screaming, and Pavlina could make this last all night when she was in a mood.

“What’s wrong, my pet?”

“Did you enjoy your meal, Tryphon?”

I loved that she not only hunted for me, but she also wasn’t staring at the blood in the water in horror.

“He was delicious, my pet.”

“I’m sorry, I know little about monster biology. How often do you need to eat?”

“Kimon and Demos need to eat every day. I need to eat once a week, and sea creatures aren’t satisfying. Pavlina can make her prey last a long time, but she’s a glutton and usually doesn’t. Enough about me, my pet. You were upset about something.”

“I had an excellent stepfather. I called him Dad, and he loved me in every single way. I stopped thinking about my birth father a long time ago. Now, I find out he’s some supernatural creature and might be from another realm. He’s trying to get permission to come here and speak to me, but now Hades can’t tell me what I am because he wants to tell me himself.”

“None of us have parents. A God created us. I was Poseidon’s monster for the longest time. I have a theory that your father was a monster that a demigod didn’t kill.”

“I’m immune to fire. I don’t know what that means.”

“Your father could be a chimera or a phoenix. They aren’t all insufferable assholes like Demos.”

She just shrugged.

“I have no idea, and I don’t even know where to start.”

“Then let us help you like you are helping us, my pet.”

“Thanks, Tryphon. It’s been a long day. I think I will get some sleep. Does Pavlina eventually finish?”

“Oh, eventually. She’s just showing off for you. Get some sleep, my pet. I still want my naked pool swim.”

I loved the little blush that rose from her perky breasts up to her cheeks. I let go of her waist and watched her disappear. I would get her in my pool if it was the last thing I did.

Chapter 18



his was my first night ever sleeping in a dungeon, much less a dungeon in the Underworld, but what the fuck went on while I was asleep? Cerberus was smashed up against my back and nearly hogging the entire bed. Tryphon managed to get a tentacle in my room and had it wrapped around my ankle. He didn’t want to let go when I woke up, either. He couldn’t see me, so I was liable to trip Copyright 2016 - 2024