A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,8

youngest brother, Beacon.

“Hey,” he greets me. “Where’s hottie?”

“Stop calling Sophia, ‘hottie’,” I order him.

“Whatever, man. Where is she?”

“In the house,” I answer and look at the piece of clothing he’s carrying under his arms and grab the vinyl album he’s holding. “What is that?”

“A Too Far from Grace signed T-shirt for her niece and a collectible,” he answers, giving me a quizzical look, and then smirks. “It is allowed to be nice to her family, right?”

“Is it fuck with Henry day?”

“Every day is fuck with Henry day,” he states seriously taking back the album.

“Fucker,” I grumble. “Do you always have to have a comeback?”

“I understand your frustration, not everyone is as smart as I am. What can I say, I got the brains,” he replies. “Daddy dearest left the best for last.”

Someone, anyone should tell him that he’s in his late twenties and not a child who should be taunting his siblings. It won’t be me though. There’s something fun about watching him do this to the other guys.

However, he’s right about one thing. He’s the smartest one of the bunch. I’ve seen him work at The Lodge and the factory, and he not only learns what I teach him fast, he masters it and implements new things. Not that he’s happy doing it. He’s just resigned to do his part until the term is over. He’d rather be in his studio playing music.

The guy is a musical prodigy.

Like many smart people, he can’t stay put. I’m hoping that he’ll be able to keep himself in one place.

One thing about him is that he’s restless, and he likes to bend rules. Beacon always finds a way to make the system work for him. There’s no way out of the conundrum our father put us in, yet, I can see him trying to escape and fuck us all.

We’re supposed to live under the same roof, but he had a music studio built for him with two extra rooms. Both of them are guestrooms for his bandmates—or so he claims. Since the construction company finished the place, he’s been staying there every night. He claims to be working, but no one can work two weeks straight without any sleep.

I would know, I don’t sleep much, if at all. As long as he doesn’t do anything stupid or get us in trouble, he can stay wherever the fuck he wants.

When I arrive at The Lodge, I text Karl Morrell. Beacon isn’t the only person who works around the system. I can do the same, and my vice president of operations will help me implement my plan.

Henry Aldridge: Emergency meeting in ten minutes. I’ll send you the videoconference link.

Karl Morrell: It’s Friday.

Henry Aldridge: It’s not optional. We have a lot to figure out for next week.

Karl Morrell: What’s happening next week?

Henry Aldridge: I’ll meet you in ten minutes so we can discuss it.



Not having my life together is an inconvenience. Not a character flaw. Thankfully, it’s one of those things that can be altered and masked without having to jump many hoops or get a personality makeover. The downside of pretending that I can conquer the world is that people rely on me for almost everything.

There’s another inconvenient trait that might be a flaw. I have a hard time saying no to the people I love. Like supporting my parents, babysitting my nieces and nephews, or…just about everything, but within reason. I’m not a pushover. If I don’t have time or it’s out of my reach, I say no.

The latest example is Blaire. She and future baby Aldridge-Wilson are my new weakness. She’s a capable woman, but since she is always puking, someone has to look out for her. Usually, it is her fiancé, but for obvious reasons he couldn’t be involved in the organization of his surprise party. When she asked if I could give her a hand, I should’ve said, “Yes, I’ll oversee everything from New York,” and then found an excuse to avoid this weekend’s trip.

Parties, special dinners, and engagements like this are part of my duties. I organize them often—no need to be present during the affair. I’m so good I can make the impossible, well…possible. Like for instance, I got a video of Hayes’ mother and some of his colleagues wishing him a happy birthday.

I do it for Henry more often than I want. The best part of these affairs is that I skip the events, and I don’t have to deal with him.

When I told Blaire that everything

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