A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,72

start your free trial, which might be something she isn’t counting on. No offense, but I think you, children, just signed shit and obeyed like idiots.”

As I’m about to tell him he’s wrong, I decide to keep my mouth shut. What’s the point of arguing when he’s right?

He rolls his eyes. “Rich kids.”

“What’s the plan then?”

“Jump on the wagon and start playing house with your betrothed. This might be a blessing in disguise.”

My head pounds because this isn’t what I wanted. “Soph?”

He gives me a sad look and says, “I’m sorry, man.” He pats my back. “The prenup applies to this trial. You have to end things with her.”

“Can you give me a summary of the prenup?”

He nods. “The usual: no cheating, separate accounts, her monthly allowance—”

“Wait, I have to give her a monthly allowance?”

He nods. “Fifteen thousand dollars, plus provide housing, and the required accommodations to keep her happy. If not, you can lose a shit ton of money.”

“What if I say ‘fuck it’ right now?”

When he tells me I lose Merkel, I don’t give a shit about my legacy. I’m ready to let everything go. I march out of the house.

“Aren’t you going to help me with my things?”

“No, I have something to do. I’ll come back later and have my brother fly you back to Portland.”

The sun shines, but it feels like a cold damp day. The overcast of what can happen is on top of me. My body feels heavy. I fight the weight of the world and hurry to Sophie’s house. We have to talk. This decision can’t be taken lightly, but I can’t lose her.

When I enter, Fitz is in the kitchen pouring wine in glasses. Leyla, Blaire, and Sophia are in the living room.

“We can poison him slowly, no one will notice,” Blaire suggests.

“Ladies, I can’t be listening to this,” Fitz warns them, “Or I won’t be able to defend you if you get caught. However, one of my brothers is a former Ranger, and he owes me a couple of favors. I might be able to persuade him to shoot him by accident.”

“Hey,” I greet her.

She looks at me and smiles. “Don’t say it.”

“We have an option,” I offer.

“Don’t. Please don’t even offer me to be your dirty secret,” she says enraged.

“I’d never do that, Soph. But this is wrong!”

This moment feels like the last I’ll spend on this earth. Like my own death. I’d do anything, except lose her.

“I can’t live without you for three months. I’ll give them Merkel. I don’t give a fuck.”

“I do,” she says. “It’s not just a possession. It is a family business, and all those employees are our responsibility. You can’t possibly think that handing the company to those people is right. They aren't going to take care of our personnel the way we do.”

“Soph,” I say, trying to say something palpable to argue with her.

“Don’t see it as a simple financial loss. See the people who might suffer because of one selfish decision.”

“What am I supposed to do without you?”

“For the next three months, you’ll get to know her and make sure she’s not the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with,” she answers.

“Just like that. You’re telling me this is over and to give her a try. You don’t care if I fall in love with her?”

“I do and I don’t,” she answers. “I care because it’ll mean it’s really over between us. I don’t care because in the end, if you fall for her it means us was never real. Us was your first time letting yourself feel, and that’s good.”

“You can’t possibly believe that. You’re just saying that because you’re afraid I’m just like the other guys you dated before. That I’ll leave. I’ll never leave you, and that’s a promise,” I argue, trying not to lash at her. “I have to do this because you’re right. I can’t let our people down. I’m not leaving you. Trust me, please.”

“Please don’t. Don’t ask me to trust you and wait for you, not when I have the short end of the stick.”

“You’re right. I…we’re still working together, aren’t we?”

She nods.

“Leave,” Blaire requests softly.

“I love you, Sophie.”

When I’m out, I’m numbed, filled with a pain I’ve never felt before. I’m not losing her, but why does it feel as if I might never see her again? I walk without any direction, but when I stop, I find myself in front of William’s grave.

“I want to blame you, but this

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