A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,62

do some office work, but earlier in the week she warned me she wouldn’t be working on Merkel’s during the weekends.

My woman is impressive. She handles her regular tasks, runs a company, and still has time for us.

Today, she and her friends volunteered to work on the Candy and Sweets Festival. This isn’t just any festival, she explains to me. It is one of the most visited weekends of the year, and Aldry’s is sponsoring the event.

Since I can’t use her as an excuse to avoid getting dragged to work for them, I offer to help Emilio with his garden. I don’t have any experience, but I can carry bags of dirt, haul rocks, and dig holes. As long as it is not for my grave. We start around eight in the morning, and by noon I’m exhausted.

Who knew this would be ten times more tiring than the New York Marathon?

“Let’s take a break. I’ll make us some sandwiches,” he offers, staring at his work.

It’s been four hours, and so far we’ve only accomplished planting the trees and flowers, setting the fabric to stop the weeds from growing, and laying the rock on top of that. We still have a lot to do, but the place is already looking great.

“Where is Mrs. Aragon?” I ask when we enter the kitchen.

I don’t see her often. Some days I feel as if she’s avoiding us while others I realize that I visit at the most inconvenient times, like in the morning while she’s doing her morning exercises, or the evening when she’s already in bed. Natalia Aragon goes places during the day; I know because there’s always a picture of her on social media.

Like her daughter, she’s a force and everyone adores her. It wouldn’t surprise me if the next time her parents visit they stay for a longer period. I’m sure Sophia would love that. I didn’t understand her fixation on visiting them every morning or having to spend Sundays with them. My family was never this close. If I had breakfast with my grandfather it was because he needed to discuss the company. Now, I’m the one who suggests coming to visit them.

“She’s with Sophia and her friends,” he answers while slicing the homemade bread. “The girls came to pick her up earlier. They were gushing about some festival. It’s good to see her full of energy again.”

“Sophia made the same observation the other day. I’m glad this arrangement is working well for her. I hope it’s the same with you.” I take a bite of the sandwich, and it’s delicious. “You should’ve been a chef. I told you already if you want to set up a restaurant, I’ll invest.”

“I am a trained chef,” he answers with a proud smile.

“Sorry, Sophia doesn’t talk much about her family,” I say, but really, I’m thinking why in the world didn’t I ask her about her life.

We spend most of our days together, and I’ve never taken the time to get to know her. Well, I know a lot of things about her personality, like how much she likes shoes, or flowers, or doodling while she’s on the phone. She loves listening to music and dancing to it. I’ve caught her several times swaying her hips, moving her feet, and singing. Knowing how she’s the only thing who makes sense in my world matters, but I want to learn everything about her.

“I owned a restaurant in Manhattan,” he states. “Lazo, Latin Cuisine.”

“One of my favorite places,” I confess. Sophia orders takeout for us from there at least once a week. “You sold it?”

He nods and exhales. “To my son-in-law. He bought it for my daughter, Eva, who refused to let it go.”

“I had no idea it was in trouble.”

“That was long ago,” he says, waving his hand the same way Sophia does when things are no longer relevant.

“I spent years in the kitchen and running that place, neglecting my family. My wife and I worked hard to give our kids the best we could, including our niece and nephew who lost their parents when they were young. My wife took care of her store and the children, I…” he sighs closing his eyes momentarily. “When I almost lost her I realized that she was the only one that matters. If I ever have to choose again between my business and the love of my life, the love of my life comes first. So I let everything go and stayed by her side. That’s

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