A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,37

visit it or decide to live in it, it’ll be because they love Baker’s Creek and they are proud of being an Aldridge.”

I crook an eyebrow because that doesn’t sound like him, “Blaire’s speech?”

“No, it’s a combination of everyone. We came up with a mission statement while we decided to fire more people at the factory,” he states.

And only Henry Aldridge will treat this as a business plan. No one should be surprised if he hires a group of consultants to reorganize the family structure.

“We’ve made a lot of progress,” he continues talking enthusiastically. “The young ones are committed to this new cause. Hayes and Blaire are staying for good. They are trying to sell us on the town. I told them about the corporate offices we’re opening in Portland, and they seemed to like your idea.”

“Are you staying after the stipulations are fulfilled?” I ask concerned.

“I’m giving myself two years to find the answer, Ms. Aragon. Do you have any other questions about the amendments or your new role in the company?”

Role in the company? Before I ask about that part, I want to make sure my parents are covered under this new arrangement.

“You haven’t mentioned anything about my parents,” I state.

His eyebrows pull close. The crease on his forehead increases. “The only reason your brother didn’t kill me is because I’m his boss. A heads up would’ve been nice. I can see you have nothing but good things to say about me.”

“Sarcasm doesn’t look good on you, Mr. Aldridge,” I say with a straight face. It’s hard not to laugh imagining how my dad must have looked at him. Maybe he even told him what an asshole he is…in a very educated way, of course.

“Well, that was an unpleasant surprise, and not because your parents aren’t delightful. I wouldn’t know since…they don’t like me,” he states. “Do you have any idea how hard it is going to be to change their minds?”

“As hard as it’s going to be for you to be…descent?” I respond. “Enough about my parents not bowing to the great Henry Aldridge. I need everything you promised you’ll provide for them in writing. Plus, my siblings are planning on visiting often, and I told them you’d be paying for the traveling expenses.”

“You have a new card. Use it to pay for those expenses.”

“What is the limit?” I ask.

“I doubt you’ll reach it,” he states.

“I could try,” I taunt him.

He laughs, a deep, rich sound that goes right through me making me shiver. “You already tried and let me tell you, you didn’t scratch the bottom of the limit. I just hope you bought plenty of fuck me shoes and lingerie.”

My cheeks heat up at the mention of the two items I like the most. And the desire for him increases which pisses me off so I snap. “What happened the last time I was here won’t happen again. Ever.”

He grins, maraching toward me, grabbing my hand. His thumb glides over the inside of my wrist. His touch is so gentle, the shell around my heart softness as electrical tingles travel through my body. I shiver and suck in a breath. In a matter of seconds, he pulls me against his hard chest.

“Welcome home,” he whispers. His familiar scent—cedarwood and citrus—fills up the small space between us.

His penetrating gaze captures mine, and I can’t remember why I should be taking a step backward. All I know is that I yearn for his mouth, and my wish comes true as his lips lock on mine.

Henry’s arms wrap around my body, gently with such tenderness that I close my eyes and melt as I kiss him back. He threads his hands into my loose hair. The desire to have him increases. I’m now desperate, and I need more. So I kiss him harder until I remember that this can’t happen again.

I fight against my body and my heart, stopping the most delicious kiss I’ve experienced since…since the last time he kissed me.

I push him away. “No. We can’t do this again. I need you to promise me that what happened on Saturday… We can’t go down this path again. You should know better than that.”

“You are right. Next time I’ll make sure there aren’t any cameras around us. I apologize for my careless behavior, but I assure you no one saw us.”

“I meant the touching and the kissing.” My voice comes out as a shriek instead of a warning. All I want is to go back into those

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