A Moment Like You (The Baker’s Creek Billionaire Brothers #2) - Claudia Burgoa Page 0,25

your parents can visit or not. You need to be here by then. You have the rest of this week and next one to get used to the idea that you’re moving to Baker’s Creek. We’re working with a public relations company. I’ll have them contact you tomorrow so you can follow up on the press release and my plan of action.”

“Thank you for understanding,” I say, instead of asking about this so-called plan of action. I just pray he doesn’t do anything stupid.

“I’m disappointed,” he says, and his voice pains me. “However, I’m trying to give you the space and time. If you have any expenses, use the card you received today.”

This weird calm makes me wonder what’s on his mind. I frown and stop to think what’s his end plan. He’s never this composed.

“Why the sudden change, Mr. Aldridge?” I ask suspiciously.

“There’s no change, Sophia,” he responds. “I realize that I scared you on Saturday. If staying away for a few more days is what you need, take them. I could easily arrange for your mother to get those tests done by tomorrow and get an answer sooner, but it’s not about her. It’s about you. Just know, you’re coming home to a desperate man. I’m not sure if I’ll be able to control myself. Call me tomorrow when you’re ready to work.”



The sunset is starting to dip behind the horizon. Oranges, purples, and crimson spread into the grateful sky reflecting on the lake. It’s a nice evening to stay out and avoid my brothers and their significant others.

Sophia is like family, and since I pissed her off, not only Blaire and Leyla are upset, but my brothers too. Instead of going inside to hang out with them, I stay by the fire pit we built a couple of weeks ago and start the fire.

I’m tempted to text Sophia to see if she’s already at the penthouse. A few minutes before she called me, Julian, her driver, told me they were at her parents’ house and he was just driving her back home. That’s an odd time to visit them. She’s usually there at the crack of dawn. I haven’t received a text from him to confirm that she’s safe at home. As I’m typing the message, I receive one from Hayes.

Hayes: Where are you?

Henry: Outside. I started a fire.

Hayes: I’ll be right there.

“I never thought you would upset everyone at the same time,” Hayes says as he approaches me, carrying a six pack.

“You’re not angry?”

He shrugs and offers me a beer. “I see the situation from your perspective, and it makes sense,” he says calmly as he takes a seat. “It’s wrong. However, in your head it is a perfectly executed plan. Cyril and William would be so proud of you.”

“Thank you. That makes me feel so fuzzy and warm on the inside,” I growl at him. “Any man would love to have the seal of approval from those tyrants.”

“Henry, are you aware that you’re forcing her to move, just like William did with us?”

“It’s not like that,” I defend myself.

“How is it not like that?”

I drink from my bottle and turn to look at him, nodding. He looks at me expectantly. It’d be best if I just shut him down, but Hayes has become more than my obnoxious nerdy brother. He’s my friend.

“She’s my best asset,” I explain, and he gives me an unamused glare. I continue because there’s more than just that fact. “No one knows the company better than she does. However, Merkel isn’t her passion. Why would I want to have her take my place when she can create an empire with Aldry’s Sweets? I’ve never seen her so excited about a project. The day I showed her what I brought from the factory… Her face illuminated as she told me everything that she could change. I knew it was for her. Also, I understood two things. One, it’s her project, and two, Merkel is not her future.”

“You could tell her that,” Hayes suggests. “There’s a world of difference between you do as I say, and here, I think this might be the perfect place for you.”

“I can’t do that,” I explain. “The insurance I got her through Merkel covers her parents as dependents. Even with that insurance, she still has to pay for her mother’s therapies and medicines that are not covered because they are homeopathic, experimental, or they’ve exceeded the annual coverage. Her father doesn’t work, and he is his wife’s

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