A Moment on the Lips - By Kate Hardy Page 0,44

she started unpacking.

‘No. And anyway, I got a discount. I’m a frequent stayer,’ she said with a smile.

‘How come?’ He unpacked his own clothes—which his secretary had packed incredibly efficiently for him. He had a feeling that it had been under Carenza’s direction, too.

‘When I lived in London, it was so easy to get the train to Paris. I loved having a long weekend in here. Cafés, art galleries, crêpes … and this hotel is the perfect place to stay, because it’s so central. Less than five minutes from the Metro.’

‘Can I at least buy you dinner?’ He kissed her lightly. ‘It’s my birthday, so traditionally I’m the one who’s supposed to buy dinner.’

‘In Italy, it is. But we’re in Paris, and I’m half English—and I’m used to doing it differently. In England, everyone spoils the person with the birthday. So I’m treating you.’

‘Maybe I’d like to treat you, to say thank you for spoiling me?’

She flapped a hand dismissively. ‘We’ll discuss that later. It’s a gorgeous day out there, and I want to take you exploring, not waste time arguing in here.’

They ended up walking the whole length of the Champs Elysées down to the Tuileries, where the leaves on the trees were starting to turn and glinted all shades of copper and bronze and gold in the sunlight. ‘We’re only here for two days, so we don’t have time to do everything I’d like to do,’ she said. ‘So I’m taking you to some of my favourite bits.’

Maybe, Dante thought, he’d surprise her with a break here in the spring. Or the middle of winter—Paris and all its gardens would look so pretty, covered in snow.

He discovered that playing tourist with Carenza was fun. She made him pose for a photograph in the gardens of the Louvre with his hand cupped by his shoulder, as if he were holding the Eiffel Tower in his hand, and then they queued up for the museum and wandered through the galleries together. ‘As this is the biggest museum in the world, we could spend weeks in here,’ she said, ‘but we only have a couple of days, so we’re just to do the whistle-stop version.’ She smiled. ‘I can show you some art you might actually like.’

‘Pictures that look like what they’re supposed to be, you mean?’ he teased back.

She laughed. ‘Yes. I guarantee you’ll like La Joconde.’

It was surreal, walking through the museum and suddenly coming across really famous pieces of artwork that were recognised the whole world over. The Sphinx, the Venus de Milo, and of course the Mona Lisa. And then Carenza took him down to the lower floor and made him stand next to the inverted pyramid; the sunshine poured through the glass and cast rainbows everywhere.

‘Oh, yes,’ she said with a grin, and showed him the picture she’d taken on her mobile phone: himself, smiling, with his hair rainbow-coloured. ‘I might just have to send that to your web designer. It’d look great on the “About Dante’s” page on your website.’

‘Sure it would,’ he said, knowing that she was teasing. Or hoping she was. If that photograph went anywhere near his website, he’d be having strong words with his designer.

From there, she took him on the Metro to the Eiffel Tower. ‘Queues,’ she said with a sigh. ‘We’re going to be stuck here for at least half an hour. Right. I know what we need. Go and stand in the queue, and I’ll come and find you.’

She reappeared a few minutes later carrying two paper bags and two paper cups of coffee.

‘Dare I ask what’s in the bags?’ he asked.

‘The best fast food ever.’ She handed one over.

He bit into the crêpe. ‘Wow. I wasn’t expecting it to be this good.’ Light, yet lush; sweet, yet spicy. Like Carenza herself.

‘Perfect for a chilly autumn day,’ she said. ‘And don’t worry about the carbs, because you’re going to burn all that sugar off. We’re walking up to the second stage—that way, you have to work for the view and you appreciate it more.’

Dante had thought himself reasonably fit, but he was glad when they finally reached the second stage and were able to look out over the city. And from there they took the lift to the very top, He stood behind her on the observation platform, looking out over Paris, with his arms wrapped round her middle. ‘Thank you,’ he said softly, kissing the curve of her neck. ‘You’ve given me a special day.’ A day

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