From This Moment - Kim Vogel Sawyer Page 0,93

in the freezer, but I’d need to buy buns.”

Jase raised one hand like a traffic cop. “Cullen doesn’t like hot dogs.”

She frowned at him. “Who told you that?”

“He did.”

She rolled her eyes. “That boy…At the end-of-the-school-year party last May, he and Zack had a contest to see who could eat the most, and he won. Eight of them! On buns with toppings.” She shook her head, tsk-tsking. “He’s like the little boy who cried wolf—it’s hard to believe what he says sometimes.”

Jase chuckled, but inwardly he wanted to groan. If Cullen had lied about disliking hot dogs, what else had he lied about?

She wagged a finger at Jase, her gaze narrowing. “But I know what he’ll eat, and that includes hot dogs, so let’s plan on a wiener roast tonight. All right?”

“Sounds fine. Lori’s coming to help deliver the baskets. I’ll ask her to pick up buns on her way. Okay?”

“Yes. Four packages should be enough, and have her grab a couple big bags of potato chips, too. Tell her to use the church’s credit card. Merlin gave her one when she took the position as custodian.” Sister Kraft headed for the house, whirling one hand in the air the way a cowboy swung a lariat. “Keep cutting! Keep cutting! We want those baskets to overflow!”

Jase snipped another sprig and laid it in the box. With a cool breeze teasing the back of his exposed neck and the scent of the lilacs filling his nose, a thought—or was it a prayer?—formed unconsciously. If Cullen had taken Rachel’s ring, and if he fessed up and returned it, it might be enough to convince Jase that God was listening.

He flicked a glance at the clear sky. So, are You, God?



Kenzie had hoped to ask Lori to drive her home to retrieve the ring and then give her a ride to the police station after work, but Lori flew out of the shop the moment Ruby turned over the Closed sign. Kenzie gazed forlornly after her. Now what?

Ruby put her arm around Kenzie’s shoulders and squeezed. “Miss Kenzie Stetler, thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. This day went better than I could have anticipated. I haven’t balanced the cash drawer yet, but Van said we did booming business all day. I expect, even considering our freebies and discounts, it’ll show tangible evidence of a successful May Day Extravaganza.”

“I’m glad.” Kenzie tried to smile, but her lips refused to cooperate.

Ruby’s joyful expression faded. “What’s the matter, honey?”

Kenzie sighed. “I was hoping Lori would take me on an errand, but she left without even telling me goodbye.”

“Is that all?” Ruby stepped away from Kenzie and gathered her jacket and purse. “I can come back later and do all the closing responsibilities. Where do you need to go?”

Kenzie cringed. “I wasn’t hinting.”

Ruby laughed. “Oh, I know, but I owe you at least a car ride after you gave me such a great idea for bringing in new business.” She pulled on her jacket, smiling. “Where am I taking you?”

“Well…” Kenzie wrung her hands. “My apartment, and then the police station.”

Ruby’s eyes widened. “The police station? Did something happen?”

She hadn’t meant to alarm her boss. She shook her head emphatically. “No, no, nothing bad.”

Ruby heaved a huge sigh. “Thank goodness. Then what do you need there?”

Kenzie explained her intention to turn the ring over to the officers’ keeping. “I don’t want to take it with me when I go back to Indiana since I won’t have access to the internet anymore, and it seemed like—”

“Wait.” Ruby cocked her head and scowled. “What do you mean when you go back to Indiana? Are you planning a visit?”

Kenzie closed her eyes, swallowing a groan. She’d practiced the speech in her head so many times, it felt as if she’d already delivered it. But she hadn’t, and now she’d alarmed her boss again. She opened her eyes and fixed Ruby with a repentant look. “I’m sorry. I’ve tried to talk to you, but you’ve been so busy getting the loom set up and preparing for today’s event, you haven’t had time to listen.”

Ruby folded her arms over her chest. “I’m listening now.”

Tears unexpectedly flooded Kenzie’s eyes. “I need to go home, Ruby. I left because I couldn’t join a church that based the promise of heaven on a list of things a person had to do or not do. There was no security in it. I discovered true security when I accepted Copyright 2016 - 2024