From This Moment - Kim Vogel Sawyer Page 0,108

it might take a long time for him to let go. You’re going to need lots of patience.”

“And I know how you can practice patience.” Jase’s eyes glinted with impishness. “Hang out with the youth group every week. Moody, hormonal teenagers aren’t much different from crotchety, sour-faced old men.”

Lori laughed. “I’ll think about it.” She sobered. “But I know one thing. From this moment, I’ve got to stop looking back and keep my focus forward when it comes to a relationship with my dad. It’s the only way I’ll avoid falling into bitterness, too.”

Jase nodded. “Very wise.”

Kenzie squeezed her hand. “Reach for hope. Always reach for hope.”


Jase paced the foyer area of the police station. Ridiculous to be nervous, but his feet refused to stand still. Maybe part of his nervousness was the envelope of twenty-dollar bills tucked into the hidden pocket inside his jacket flap. Fifteen of them made a nice stack. He’d never been one to walk around with a lot of cash in hand. Why tempt someone to knock him over the head? But it seemed the best way to repay his heroine. If she ever showed up.

Officer Pratt waited behind the welcome desk, presumably doing paperwork. He’d set up a two o’clock meeting between Jase and the person who’d turned in Rachel’s ring, and the huge round clock on the wall showed five past. Not terribly late. It only felt that way because he’d arrived fifteen minutes early. Twenty minutes’ worth of pacing so far. At least he was getting some exercise.

The doors opened for the sixth time since his arrival. He turned his attention to the entrance. Jase gave a little “Huh?” of surprise. What were Ruby and Kenzie doing here? There must’ve been a problem at the store. He rushed to greet them.

“Hey, you two. Are you all right?”

Ruby gave him a startled look. “We’re fine. Are you?”

Kenzie’s forehead puckered in worry. “Why are you here?”

Ruby folded her arms over her chest. “You haven’t been arrested, have you?”

He laughed. “No, I’m—”

Officer Pratt stepped between them. “Do you all know each other?”

Ruby nodded, her expression stern. “Yes. Brother Jase here is the youth pastor at our church. He’s a fine young man, so whatever the problem is, I’m more than happy to vouch for him.”

Confusion clouded the officer’s face. He turned to Jase. “Why did we need to set up a meeting if you already know each other?” Understanding dawned. “Unless…”

Ruby pulled in a gasp. “Are you trying to tell me…”

Snippets from conversations over the past weeks collided in Jase’s brain. Clothes for a mission project. Kenzie using clothes to make woven items for missions. His ring found in a pair of donated pants…

His mouth fell open and he gaped at Kenzie. “It was you.”

She drew back, her fingers on her collarbone.

He pointed at her. “You’re FinderzNotKeeperz.”

“Wait…” Her blue eyes widened into twin saucers. She pointed at him. “It was yours?”

Officer Pratt grinned like a jack-o’-lantern. “Oh, this is rich. The guys in lost and found are gonna love it. I gotta go tell them about this.” He trotted off.

Ruby shook her head, wonder in her eyes. “To think the owner was so close all the time, and we didn’t know it.”

A red flush brightened Kenzie’s cheeks. “Oh, my goodness, I’m so embarrassed. You emailed me, and I told you the ring wasn’t yours. I didn’t think it could be because you said it was an engagement ring, and I honestly thought it was a wedding ring. Besides, you didn’t include the inscription. I figured the owner would include the inscription.”

A wry chuckle found its way from his throat. “I did include it. But then I deleted it. That message was supposed to be between Rachel and me, and I didn’t want to share it with a stranger. But then, you’re hardly a stranger.”

Ruby laughed and grabbed him in a hug. “I’ve always known the Lord works in mysterious ways, but this is almost beyond belief.”

Jase returned Ruby’s hug, then reached inside his jacket and pulled out the envelope. “I came prepared to give this to my heroine. I guess that’s you.” He held it toward her.

She moved backward a step, her hands in the air like she was under arrest. “I can’t take anything. Especially not after I goofed up and told you I didn’t have it.”

“That wasn’t your fault.” He waved the bulky packet. “Take it.”

“I can’t.”

“Why not?”

“Because we’re friends.”

He smiled. “All the more reason you should.”

Her forehead pinched again. Copyright 2016 - 2024