From This Moment On - By Debbi Rawlins Page 0,48

figured she’d get cleanup duty. Several people she didn’t know came up and introduced themselves. Others officially welcomed her to town and extended a blanket invitation to Sunday suppers. Trace was included as if they were a couple. She hoped that hadn’t upset him, though if it had, he didn’t let on.

She smiled and nodded a lot, even when she didn’t understand some of the older people, and just hoped her responses were appropriate.

“Hey, McAllister.” A guy walked toward them holding a plate heaped with food and grinning. He was about Trace’s age but thick around the middle. “I thought you were gonna shit a brick up there talking in front of everybody.”

“I tell you what, Buck. I did just like Mrs. Wilson told us in the ninth grade. Pretend everyone in the audience is naked. If I looked queasy it’s because I got to your ugly ass.”

Buck laughed. “Hi, Nikki. I met you once at the Watering Hole. You probably don’t remember. But I am sorry about your pa.”

“Thank you,” she murmured, wishing she was better at faking a smile. As soon as Buck left to find a chair, she told Trace, “We’re too close to the food. That’s why so many people are stopping. Let’s move.”

He didn’t seem to mind the suggestion and hustled them into the empty living room. “There are a lot of folks here. I doubt we’ll be alone for long.” He brushed the hair off her face. “You look good. I’m glad you’re holding up.”

“Thanks to you,” she said, and he shook his head. “Yes, you. What you did...back at the church...” She swallowed. “Thank you. For all of it. Even though it’s not quite over,” she said, glancing out the window at the cars coming down the driveway. “I feel as though a big weight has been lifted.”

“I’m glad.” The tenderness in his smile reached his eyes. “You seem relaxed.” Something behind her drew his attention. “There’s Sadie. When is she letting you back to work?”

“Oh.” Nikki groaned, turning to glare. Not that Sadie noticed. “I’m so mad at her. She’s making me wait until day after tomorrow and she won’t budge.”


“Gee, thanks.”

“Tomorrow night. You and me, we’re going to Kalispell for dinner.” Trace snuck in a quick kiss. “And I’m not budging, either.”

* * *

“WOW, ALL THIS TRAFFIC is making me nervous.” Nikki turned to catch the movie listing being flashed on a monitor outside a theater. She didn’t recognize the titles, but then she hadn’t kept track of new releases since moving to Blackfoot Falls.

Trace was shooting looks at her with one raised eyebrow. “Yeah, okay, so this isn’t Houston but a year from now let’s see how itchy you get to come get your ya-yas out.”

“Ooh, so touchy.” She sat back, checking out restaurant signs and the people crowding the sidewalks. “I was kidding. This is fun. Looks like a lot of tourists, though, what’s that about?”

“We’re close to Glacier National Park, which brings in the summer tourists. In the winter they come to ski Big Mountain. Whitefish Mountain Resort isn’t far from here. Neither is Blacktail Mountain Ski Area. I know you didn’t get to see enough snow in February. We’ll go up there once the resorts open and you’ll have your fill.”

That was a few months off. Would she even still be in Montana? “Do you ski?”

“No,” he said, a hint of regret in his voice. “I thought I’d learn but life seemed to get in the way. Why? You wanna try?”

“Oh, no. Not me. Watching from indoors with a cup of hot chocolate is more my speed.” They stopped for a red light, giving Nikki the chance to read a banner strung to a corner post. “They sure have a lot of festivals here. I wouldn’t mind coming to one. Have you been?” She watched a couple hurrying to cross the street against the light, then turned to Trace when he hadn’t answered.

He was staring at her, a faint smile on his handsome face. His dark hair was as long as she’d seen it, curling at his collar and occasionally falling across his forehead. She was glad he hadn’t cut it.

Reaching for her hand, he intertwined their fingers, his callused palm feeling warm and right against hers. His hunter-green Western shirt was brand-new, probably just out of the packaging. She knew for sure because he hadn’t ironed out the creases from where it had been folded. The thought made her smile.

Trace brought her hand to his lips Copyright 2016 - 2024