From This Moment - By Alison Chaffin Higson Page 0,8

bag hit the floor. Cade puts his hands on my hips, sending my heart soaring; he steps in close to me. His chest is now against my back. I try to turn around to face him, but he stops me.

“Don’t turn around,” Cade whispers, talking close to my ear, sending shivers through me.

“If you do, I won’t be able to stop myself from kissing you and I can’t. We have to take a step back, which I’m finding impossible. You have me bewitched! Already having you in my home is making me crazy. I find I can’t keep my hands to myself where you’re concerned. Hell, I think you were right when you said Jake and I need the chaperone, because all I want is you naked, in my bed,” he groans.

Taking hold of his hands that are still on my hips, I bring them to my stomach and wrap myself in his arms, against his chest. Stepping in closer to him, I feel his erection against my butt. He leans over to kiss my neck. I move my head to the side to give him better access.

He doesn’t waste any time and starts placing open mouth kisses along my neck, while tightening his hold on me. He bites down slightly on my ear, sending shivers straight down between my thighs. Finding it impossible to stay still, I wiggle my butt against his hardness, only to hear him curse under his breath.

He puts his hands back on my hips and starts to pull away. “If I don’t move away now, I’ll have you where you stand, to hell with anyone who walks in. Do you understand what I’m saying? I want you so damn much.” I turn around to look at him. He avoids meeting my eyes and bends down to pick my bag up. Standing up, he rearranges himself with a grimace and starts to lead me down the hall to what will be my room while I’m here.

As I start to enter, the first thing in the room I notice is how thick the green carpet is. My feet start sinking into it and I can’t wait to walk on it with bare feet. Looking up from the floor, I notice the main feature of the room, which is a large four poster bed with a beautiful red and gold covering. There is a desk to the side with a lamp on top. The two large windows overlook the pond and mountain range. “Wow, totally amazing.” The sofa in front of the window looks comfortable enough to sleep on and is covered in the same red and gold design as the bed.

“This is a gorgeous room; even the floor looks comfortable enough to sleep on.”

“I thought you would prefer this room. The bathroom is through that door and everything you should need is already in there, if not, just let me know,” Cade tells me, still standing in the doorway.

“I’ll just put your bag down and leave you to rest up. I think I’ll go shower and change then head down to get the dinner started. Are you okay with pasta?”

“Pasta happens to be my favorite meal, so yes that sounds good. Would you like some help?” I ask to be polite, hoping he refuses; I really need some time on my own.

“No, I have it covered,” and with a glance he backs out of the room and shuts the door leaving me alone.

God, he is so hot. I hope I get to see him naked!

I let out a sigh of relief and drop down onto the bed with my eyes shut, feeling so tired and confused.

~~ Cade ~~

Pasta.... a quick and easy meal if only I can get Rona out of my head. When I left her earlier in her room, I ran to my room to get a shower, because I was sticky from our interlude at the airport. The shower started warm, but I ended up turning it down to cold to try and calm my body down.

My libido is in check for now, but with how out of control it is around Rona, I don’t think that will last long. I’m dressed in dark blue jeans and a pale blue long sleeved ribbed t-shirt which hopefully will cover anything I don’t want seen! Usually I wear loose trousers around the house, but knowing I’ll probably end up with a hard-on I figure it will be more noticeable tented in trousers than restrained in jeans.

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