From This Moment - By Alison Chaffin Higson Page 0,78

as a sign of our faithful love. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Then it’s my turn, taking hold of Cade’s left hand, I place his wedding band on his finger and say, “Cade, wear this ring as a sign of our faithful love. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”

Then the Master of Ceremonies says, “Cade and Rona, you have exchanged vows and rings, and consented to marry in the presence of this company. By the authority vested in me, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

“At last.”

Stepping in close to me Cade puts his arms around me, “Hello, Mrs Matthews.” Smiling, he places his lips to mine. Opening my mouth to him, he puts his tongue inside and starts tasting me. I move in even closer putting my arms up around his neck, only to have the Master of Ceremonies coughing again.

We pull apart laughing and smiling, then we sign the marriage license and thank everyone there for making this day perfect.

Lalaina comes over, leading us to the golf buggy. During the ceremony this has been decorated with flowers.

We’re heading back to our villa where we are going to eat a meal we have already ordered, along with the cream, strawberry and chocolate meringue concoction I have ordered instead of a wedding cake.

~~ Cade ~~

“Mrs Matthews.” Looking over to Rona, “Mrs Matthews, Mrs Rona Matthews.”

Laughing now, “Do you like your new name love?”

“Oh yes.”

“And I love, Mrs Cade Matthews.” I laugh at the look on Rona’s face as she hadn’t thought of that one.

“My wife.”

“Wow, this is amazing. Can we have a party when Jake and Elise get back from their honeymoon, along with, Anna, Beth and their families, to celebrate our wedding?”

“I think that can be arranged.”

“Before we eat let’s see if we can get Jake on Skype. I want the girls to see me in my wedding finery.”

“Alright, how are you feeling?” I ask smoothing my hand over her stomach.

“I feel like the luckiest woman alive right now. I have a husband whom I love with all my heart and I’m pregnant with his child. What more could I want?”

Arriving back at our villa, I tell Lalaina to give us fifteen minutes, before they start to serve us our wedding dinner.

After ringing Jake to tell him to log on to Skype, we finally connect to not just Jake, but Elise, Anna, Beth, their husbands and kids as well. This brings tears to Rona’s eyes and I feel myself getting all choked up.

“Looking at your faces does this mean congratulation’s are in order?” Jake asks, grinning with his arms wrapped around Elise.

“I’m now officially Mrs Cade Matthews,” Rona announces, flashing her hand for all to see. Pulling her back into me, I place a kiss on her lips to much cheering from home.

“Is everyone alright back there?” I ask.

“Everything is fine dad. Don’t worry about anything, we have it covered. Just enjoy your time with Rona.”

“Hiya Rona, I’ve been telling Honey Bee about you getting married, she misses you,” says Gabby.

“I’ll be home in a week. Perhaps when I get back you’d like to go riding with me and your grandpa?”

“Yeah! Yes please.” Gabby dances around.

“Oh by the way ladies, I went shopping in Dubai.... Lingerie! Do I need to say more?” Rona teases my daughters and Elise.

“Shit, it’s not like the,” coughing, “dress is it?” Jake asks.

“Jake whatever do you mean?” We are both laughing now. “Jake there is even less material to what I’m bringing back for the three ladies there. In fact I refused to let your father in the shop with me. Thought it might be too much for him with me buying things for his daughters and daughter-in-law.”

“Oh my god guys, better stock up on condoms,” Jake whispers, so that the kids don’t overhear him.

“Alright, we’re going to go and eat now, we’ll see you all in a week.” I try to bring the conversation to an end.

“Hang on dad. We have something to tell you,” Anna says.

“Go ahead.”

Is Jake Blushing?

Taking a deep breath, “We realize that Rona is, Mmm, younger than you and that she might want.... children.” At this my heart starts beating wildly wondering what the hell is coming next and hoping it isn’t anything to upset Rona who’s already pregnant.

Taking hold of Rona’s hand and linking our fingers together. “Go ahead Anna, its okay.” I try to Copyright 2016 - 2024