From This Moment - By Alison Chaffin Higson Page 0,17

our trip on ‘Big Red’, which seems to break the silence. I’m still unsure why everyone had gone quiet though.

After the conversation with Gabby, I feel like Anna and Beth are looking at me differently. They didn’t treat me differently, just kept glancing at me in an odd sort of way.

~~ Cade ~~

When we arrive back home Jake excuses himself and disappears to his room.

“Would you like a hot chocolate?” I ask.

“That would be great, do you mind if I go and get changed first?”

“No that’s fine. I think I’ll do the same and meet you back here.”

Changing into sweats and a t-shirt, I go downstairs to make some hot chocolate. Rona appears not long after.

Settling down in the lounge with our drinks, I start to wonder whether Rona will ask me about the silence at the meal.

“Why did everyone go quiet when I was talking to Gabby? I had the feeling it was something I said, but I’m not sure what.”

Guess I didn’t have long to wait!

“It was the fact that I took you to the river. They all know that it’s the one place that’s sacred to me. In all the years I’ve lived here, I’ve only ever allowed them to accompany me there once. That was to point out to them, that it was the one place in the world which was mine and mine alone. So it was pretty significant to them that I took you there.”

“I don’t know what to say to that. I didn’t know, I never would have said something in front of your family if I’d known.”

“Don’t worry.”

Lifting her eyes to look at me, she looks haunted.

Yawning, “I think I need to go to bed.” Standing, Rona starts to walk to the stairs, she turns back towards me, “Cade, I want you to know that in the short time I’ve known you, you’ve come to mean more to me than Nick ever did.”

Turning back she carries on up the stairs.

Chapter 5

~~ Rona ~~

Its morning and being in the kitchen with Cade is wonderful. He’s making breakfast while I get the coffee started. Eggs, pancakes and syrup....yum!

“What would you like to do today?” Cade asks, while pouring the batter for the pancakes into the pan.

“I’m not sure, but I was considering renting a car, so that I don’t have to rely on you or Jake all the time.”

Cade quickly glances over to me, “You don’t need to do that, driving you around and showing you where I live is certainly no hardship.” He flips a pancake, “I like spending time with you, unless you really would like a bit more independence, in which case, I’ll take you to sort out a car.”

“If you really don’t mind, then I’ll leave it for now.” I smile, “I like spending time with you too.”

“Now that’s settled, breakfast is ready. Let’s eat and we can talk about what to do later.” Cade carries the platter of food over to the table, “I need to reply to some emails and make a couple of calls, after that we can head out someplace, if you like?”

“I’d like that.”

Having eaten some of my pancakes which are delicious. I look at Cade, “You make the best pancakes, mine always end up thick and stodgy.”

With laughter in his eyes, “It’s all in the wrist.”

“Ha,” as intended I start to laugh, and then feeling wicked, licking my lips very slowly and in a seductive voice, “That’s what they all say.”

Cade’s eyes darken while watching me lick my lips. Standing up, he walks over; picking me up from the chair he places me on the table and moves to stand between my thighs. Threading his fingers through my hair, he holds my head cradled in his hands. I put my arms around his waist, “Teasing has consequences,” he threatens, a breadth away from my lips.

With a wicked grin, “I’m ready when you are.” Wiggling in his hold, I slowly move my hands down to his rear, bringing him even closer. I can feel his erection against my stomach as his lips reach for mine in one hell of a kiss. Our tongues start to dance. I squeeze his butt. Cade curses as he pulls away slightly, taking air into his lungs. “We better stop this; Jake will be here in a minute.”

Helping me from the table, he leans towards me and places a chaste kiss on my lips.

Going back to our breakfast, I decide I still have a bit of wickedness left in me Copyright 2016 - 2024