The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,75

get it done fast.”

“Good, let’s schedule it.”

Jude narrowed his eyes, still inspecting the bug.

“What?” I asked.

“This is sophisticated. It fooled my radiofrequency detector.”

“Should I even ask why you carry a radiofrequency detector with you?”

He put the bug down. “Old habit.”

A voice behind me nearly made me jump. “Cameron, what’s going on in here?”

I closed my eyes for a second. Noelle Olson. My day just kept getting better and better.

“Someone broke into my office,” I said, turning to face her. “Police have been here. We don’t know who did it yet.”

“This is getting out of control,” she said. Her hair was in that bun she always wore, her pantsuit well-tailored and practical.

“I couldn’t agree more. Just when I thought my biggest issue was predatory journalism.”

She pinched her lips together in a thin line. “That reporter took my comments completely out of context.”

“I’m sure she did.” I was inches away from telling Noelle exactly what I thought of her. But Jude put a calming hand on my shoulder, and I bit back my rant. “We’re taking every precaution to ensure the office is safe. If you’d like to speak with the head of security or the police who are investigating, you’re more than welcome.”

Her eyes flicked up and down, her judgmental gaze scathing. “I’ll be working from home.”

I nodded once and she walked down the hall to her office.

“All I need now is for Bobby the douchebag to show up and my day will be complete,” I said, shaking my head. “I’m surprised he’s not blowing up my phone with texts already.”


“I don’t know, it seems like every time I’m dealing with one of these incidents, Bobby either starts texting me or shows up. It’s like the universe keeps trying to add insult to injury when I’ve already had one hell of a day.”

“If he shows up, just let me deal with him.”

“That would be very entertaining to watch.” I tucked a loose tendril of hair behind my ear and lowered my voice. “If Noelle is trying to get me fired, it could explain the bug. But who were those guys following us?”

“Whoever did this hired professionals.”

A shiver of fear ran down my spine. “Maybe we should just get out of town. I have a plane. Two, in fact.”

“It’s an option I’m considering.”

Even though I’d said it, I hated that idea. I didn’t want whoever this was to have that kind of power over me. To make me leave my home and my company, even temporarily.

“Running is a last resort.”

“Agreed,” he said.

“What do we do now?”

He traced his fingers down the curve of my neck and laid his big hand on my shoulder. An intimate gesture here in my office, and one I appreciated. “We go back to Bluewater. Your physical space is easier for me to control there. And I have some calls to make.”

I took a deep breath and nodded.


Daisy: What’s happening over there? I’m in Milan. Do I need to fly home?

Emily: Someone broke into Cameron’s office. Trashed it. Planted a bug.


Luna: Cam, are you okay?

Me: I’m fine. Nothing a stiff drink and a good fuck won’t cure.

Daisy: She’s not wrong.

Emily: I’m at the lab, but I’ll come over as soon as I can.

Luna: Let me know if you need anything.

Me: Thanks. I’ll be fine. Just one more thing to handle.

Emily: Be careful.

Daisy: Kick their asses, lady boss.

Me: Love you bitches.



No sign of a tail on the way back to Bluewater, but that didn’t make me feel better. Why had someone followed us this morning but not now? Had it been a message? A sign that they were watching? They couldn’t have been following this morning simply to find out where she worked. Locating Spencer’s headquarters was as simple as a quick Google search.

And just as importantly, who were they?

The tail this morning and the bug in her office gave me an important new piece of information. Like I’d told Cameron, these were professionals. They represented a new angle and new tactics. Which probably meant they’d been hired recently.

Find out who they were, and I could find out who’d hired them.

There weren’t an unlimited number of options when it came to hiring this kind of team. Fortunately, I was acquainted with several of them. Unfortunately, I’d been at odds with most of them at some point in the last five years. But just because they didn’t like me didn’t mean they didn’t respect—and maybe even fear—me. I could work with fear and respect.

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