The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,59

most likely suspects are Noelle and Aldrich.”

“The note referred to me as the boss,” she said. “Doesn’t that imply something about Spencer? Aldrich doesn’t have any connections to my company.”

“Derek sent me an email last night right before you called. It turns out Aldrich bought a large share of Reese Howard Aviation not long ago. And guess who was just elected to their board of directors?”

“What?” she asked, her eyes widening. “Aldrich got himself elected to the board of directors of our biggest competitor?”

I nodded.

Cameron got off the stool and put her hands in her hair. “That asshole. Why would he do that? He never cared about my business, only whined that I worked too much.”

“Maybe that has something to do with it. If he blames your career for your breakup, he could be trying to hit you where it hurts. Take away the thing that took you from him.”

“Why didn’t I see it?” She started pacing around the loft. “I should have known he was evil. He waxes his chest, Jude. He’s neither a model nor a swimmer. Why would he wax his chest?”

“I’m not sure what that has to do with anything, but it is weird.”

“I just mean it should have tipped me off that something wasn’t right.”

“The question is, does Aldrich have your door code?”

“No. I changed it after we broke up.”

“Regardless, I’ll know more when I review your security footage.”

“Why haven’t you reviewed the footage?”

“I was a little busy fucking you last night.”

She put her hands on her hips. “Well, you should have reviewed the footage instead. No, I take that back, I’m just upset and talking crazy. Fucking me was the right choice.”

“I’m glad you think so.”

“How could I not? It was amazing. But we need to focus. You still think it could be Noelle? Her hatred of me is fierce, but putting a fish in my bed seems odd for her.”

“Can you see Aldrich leaving a fish in your bed?”

“Not really. But I’m starting to doubt my ability to judge people’s character. Oh my god, I’m going to turn into one of those eccentric paranoid billionaires. How long before I start trying to build an impossible-to-engineer airplane in a massive hanger out in the middle of nowhere?”

“I’m sure you have a few good years left. And yes, I still think Noelle is a possibility. The fish could be for shock value, or to throw you off her trail. Regardless, I think you should get Derek involved. His firm can help manage the media if things start going sideways.”

“I was thinking the same thing.” She grabbed her phone and groaned.

“Another email?”

“No, a text from Bobby Spencer. He’s throwing an intimate soiree”—she made air quotes—“on his stripper plane tonight.”

“What’s a stripper plane?”

She rolled her eyes while she typed a reply. “A few years ago, he bought a private jet from some Saudi prince. I think it’s literally from the early nineties, and it’s hideous. I’m talking red velvet and leopard print with gold-plated everything. I’ve only had the misfortune of seeing pictures, but it’s outfitted with a rotating bed, a full bar, and a stripper pole. It’s another one of his brilliant business ideas that’s done nothing but waste a bunch of his trust fund.”


“Oh dear, I was about to RSVP with a plus one, but he texted again to say I don’t need to bring my bodyguard.”

“The fuck you don’t,” I said.

Her lip curled in a smile. “Mm, territorial. I like that. I honestly don’t know why he keeps inviting me to things. I’ve never gone to one of his parties.”

“So he’s clueless, delusional, and wealthy. That’s a charming combination.”

“At least I won’t have to tolerate him much longer.” She sat back down on the stool. “I can exercise my option to buy more shares next month. Then I’ll own a majority interest in Spencer, and I can tell him to fuck off.”

My brow furrowed. “Does Bobby know you’re buying out his family?”

She shrugged. “I’m not sure what Milton’s told him. I’ve always kept my distance from their private family matters.”

“Bobby might not be happy about the fact that someone else is on their way to owning his family’s company.”

“I don’t know why he’d care. He lives off a bottomless trust fund. He’s an only child of an elderly multi-billionaire with no other heirs. Spencer could go bankrupt and he’d still never run out of money.”

“What about Bobby’s mother? What’s her story?”

“Ruby Spencer-Kensington-Alviar. She and Milton split up years ago. Last I heard, she was Copyright 2016 - 2024