The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,57

get used to this, and I’d never felt that way about anyone before. Not like this.

I knew Cameron had needed this tonight. What I didn’t know was whether it was merely a way for her to cope with the fear and stress in her life, or if she was feeling something more.

A question for later. There were so many of those, I’d just add it to the list. For now, I wanted to hold her, feel her soft body snuggled against me. I couldn’t imagine anything better.



I woke to Cameron’s face smashed against a pillow. It was the cutest thing I’d ever seen. Her cheek squished, her lips puckered in a bow. The sheet draped across her chest and her hands were tucked beneath the pillow.

It was tempting to haul her against me so I could feel her warm skin, but I didn’t want to wake her. So I got up and quietly slipped on a pair of boxer briefs. Used the bathroom, then wandered into the kitchen to start coffee and breakfast. I needed to get started reviewing her security footage, but it seemed like I ought to be a good host and feed her first.

Doing my best to be quiet, I got coffee brewing and found some eggs and an unopened package of gruyere cheese in the fridge.

I heard the sheets rustling while I cracked an egg into a bowl.

“Nice ass,” she said, her voice sleepy.

I glanced at her. She was on her side, the sheet pulled up over her chest, her head propped on her arm.

“Thanks. That’s high praise, coming from you. Didn’t you rank in Indulgence Magazine’s Best Butts in Business poll last year?”

She rolled her eyes. “God, that article. You know, they didn’t even mention my company. Although the unauthorized photo they used did make my ass look fantastic.”

“Bright side?”

“Exactly,” she said with a smile.

I gave her a little grin, relieved things weren’t awkward this morning.

“Do you always cook breakfast in your underwear? Because a girl could get used to that.”

God, Cameron, I could get used to this too. I cracked another egg. “Only on special occasions.”

“And what’s special about today?”

“I have a beautiful naked woman in my bed. What isn’t special about today?”

She laughed and rolled onto her back, reaching her arms overhead in a lazy stretch. “I suppose I should get up. Do you mind if I wear your clothes again?”

“If you can find them.” I tapped another egg to crack the shell.

From the corner of my eye, I saw her toss the sheet aside. She stood up, completely fucking naked, and walked to the bathroom. I didn’t mean to stare, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

Cold egg dribbled through my fingers. “Shit.”

I made sure there weren’t any bits of shell in the bowl—a naked Cameron walking brazenly through my loft was distracting—washed my hands, and went to work scrambling the eggs. She came out while I was stirring the eggs in a pan. Still naked.

“If you want breakfast, you might want to put some clothes on. If you keep walking around like that, there’s no telling what I’ll do.”

She glanced at me over her shoulder, the boxer briefs from last night in her hand. “Is that a threat?”

“No, it’s a promise.”

Everything about this was pointing to last night having been more than just a one-time comfort fuck for her. Which was good news because once was never going to be enough for me. Not when it was her.

It was hard to imagine ever getting enough of Cameron.

She came into the kitchen, and even covered up in my old Marine Corps t-shirt and loose-fitting boxer briefs, she was the sexiest woman I’d ever seen. She paused and leaned against the counter.

I put down the spatula, leaving the eggs to cook on low heat, and slipped my arms around her waist.

“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“For what?”

She wrapped her arms around my neck. “Everything.”

I leaned in and kissed her, enjoying the softness of her lips and the way her body pressed against me.

“Careful not to burn the eggs,” she said.

I kissed her again. “I can make more.”

She giggled as I kissed down her neck and squeezed her firm ass cheeks. I gave her ear a quick nibble, then went back to the eggs.

“Mugs are up there,” I said, nodding toward the cupboard next to her.

“Thanks.” She got out a mug and poured herself coffee. “I know we should probably talk about everything.”


“I didn’t say but.”

“I could hear the but.”

She sighed, cradling the mug Copyright 2016 - 2024