The Mogul and the Muscle - Claire Kingsley Page 0,50

British Baking Show. There was a simplicity to it that I liked. No drama or backstabbing. Just amateur bakers engaging in good-natured competition.

Maybe I liked it because the show had an air of normalcy to it. They were just ordinary people—talented people, certainly, but average citizens. They had regular jobs, regular homes, regular families. Even though it was a competition, there was a peacefulness to it that made it relaxing to watch.

Two episodes in—what an exciting life I led—my phone dinged with a text. I scrambled to check it in case it was Cameron, although I didn’t know why she’d text me on a Friday evening when she didn’t have anything on her schedule until Monday.

Derek: Found something new on the ex. Check your email.

Me: Thanks.

I opened Derek’s email. My eyes narrowed at his brief explanation. He’d sent an attachment with more details. It would be easier to read on my laptop, but right when I got up to get it out, my phone rang in my hand.

This time it was Cameron. My danger instinct went crazy.


“Jude? Someone was in my house.”

I was already grabbing my keys. “Where are you?”

“In my bedroom. They were in here, Jude. In my room.”

The fear in her voice made everything come into sharp focus. Lightning flashed outside and thunder cracked.

“Stay calm. Do you think they’re still in the house?”

“I don’t think so. I had dinner at Luna’s and when I came home, I felt weird. I can’t explain it. So I looked around, checked all the rooms. I didn’t see anyone. But then I came in here.”

“Where are Nicholas and Inda?”

“Out somewhere. Date night.”

“Did you call enclave security?”

“No, I called you first.”

A swell of emotion hit me in the chest. She’d called me first. “Okay, good. Call them. I’m on my way.”

“Okay. Hurry.”

I shoved on a pair of boots, grabbed my helmet, and rushed outside into the pouring rain. My bike engine roared to life and the tires screeched on the wet pavement as I gunned it out of there.

My shirt was soaked before I’d gone the first mile—my SUV would have been a better choice in the rain—but I didn’t give a shit. The bike was faster, and all that mattered was getting to Cameron.

I paused at the gate to the Bluewater enclave while security waved me through. Then I tore down the empty tree-lined road, crossed the bridge over the canal, and raced to her house.

I came as close to dumping my bike as I ever had when I skidded to a stop next to a Bluewater security vehicle. It was still pouring, the heavy rain making her entire driveway an enormous puddle. I pushed down the kickstand, pulled off my helmet, and Cameron’s front door flew open.

She ran outside in a short white shirt and silky striped pajama pants. Dropping my helmet to the ground, I swung my leg over the seat of my bike and caught her right as she crashed into me.

Her arms flew around my neck, her bare toes barely staying on the ground. I wrapped my arms around her, one hand splayed across her back, the other holding the back of her head. Relief poured through me as her body pressed against me. Thank god she was okay.

Cameron made no move to let go, so I didn’t either. The rain pelted us with fat drops, soaking her hair and her clothes. I was already wet through, but I didn’t care. I’d stand here in the storm until I got struck by lightning if it meant I could keep holding her like this.

The wind was picking up, whipping the vegetation and making the palm trees bend. I smoothed down her hair and she gradually pulled back. Her hands trailed down my chest.

“Sorry, I…”

“Don’t be.” I gently touched her face.

She wasn’t crying or hysterical. Her green eyes were clear, raindrops dancing across her freckled cheeks. Her wet shirt molded over her breasts, her lacy bra showing through the thin fabric. I’d seen her topless, but this tantalizing peek was so sexy.

“Thank you,” she said, keeping her hands on my chest. “That really fucking scared me.”

That reminded me why I was here. Without letting go of her, I did a quick visual sweep of the area. There wasn’t much to see, especially with all the rain.

“God, we’re soaking.” She dropped her hands and stepped back. “The Bluewater security guys are here. They’re checking everything.”

“Good.” I scanned the front of her house again and kept my eyes sharp as we jogged Copyright 2016 - 2024